

Write to the editor

January 19 - 25, 2016

THE British Club of Bahrain has this week bid farewell to two members of the team with a combined service of 75 years at the establishment. Mohammed and Abdullah told me their stories.

Morag from Manama

January 19 - 25, 2016

What do you miss most? I have toyed with this question over the years, as a trailing spouse and mother of global citizens (sometimes referred to as expat brats) and apart from the obvious answer ‘family & friends’… yawn … my answer has remained unchanged and it may give you an insight as to the expat postings we have been given.

The Whisperer

January 19 - 25, 2016

A little more understanding and compassion needed, please. A friend of the Whisperer booked his 83-year-old father on a flight back to London. The 10.10 flight – after announcing a four-hour delay and changing the gate four times – finally boarded at 15.30. Then, of course, the elderly passenger had to trek down three flights of stairs and board a bus to be shuttled to the aircraft before climbing up the stairs to board.