Horoscopes & Lifestyle

Horoscopes & Lifestyle

The big bad ‘E’ can send them running

March 7 - 14, 2007

Exclusivity. It’s a big scary word that sits like a white elephant in the middle of the room, just when you wanted to be alone with your sweetheart.

GW sees your stars for the week

March 7 - 14, 2007

(Feb 19 - Mar 20) A secret admirer could perform an anonymous act of kindness on your behalf. The angels are definitely on your side this week. If you’re put in a position of power, try to make the lives of worker bees just a little sweeter. It’s important to acknowledge the efforts of people who are often overlooked. A vivid dream could prompt you to change career paths. Doing what you love for a living helps you handle life’s harsher realities.