Local News

Local News

Please slow down!

January 30 - February 5, 2008

IN A week which has seen four fatalities on the roads of Bahrain in the space of three consecutive days, a leading traffic officer has urged drivers to slow down and follow the rules of the highway.

African mission

January 30 - February 5, 2008

VIOLENCE and political turmoil in Kenya has forced governors of the Abdul Rahman Kanoo International School (ARKIS) in Salmabad to abandon plans to take a party of students to the troubled African nation and make a detour to Tanzania, writes SHILPA CHANDRAN.

Drive carefully near schools

January 30 - February 5, 2008

Well, everyone by now would have heard or even personally experienced what happens when an American president visits a very little place on earth called Bahrain. I'm just teasing by the way!

It was a Fair(ly) good bargain

January 30 - February 5, 2008

Roads were jammed with traffic, parking slots within the venue were filled to capacity and open grounds outside the Bahrain International Exhibition Centre were packed with abandoned cars and vans as their owners went in hot pursuit of the best bargains in town.

Maids alert for young

January 30 - February 5, 2008

Parents have been urged to be careful about leaving children with their housemaids "all the time" by a leading Bahraini child protection expert.

Is it the end of the line?

January 30 - February 5, 2008

Bahrain may be in the process of losing one of its most unique communities.

Walkers unite!

January 30 - February 5, 2008

FUND-RAISERS are being urged to put their best foot forward and help children with Down Syndrome in the kingdom.

Why Zain?

January 30 - February 5, 2008

Zain Bahrain's marketing communications manager Wissam Kazzaz said: "We strive to provide telecom services as per the needs of the market.

The land of tolerance lives on in our hearts

January 30 - February 5, 2008

Meandering through the narrow, crowded streets of the Manama souk Abraham Nonoo pauses outside a perfume shop and waves to a bespectacled octogenarian.

Batelco's new 3.5G services spur massive demand

January 30 - February 5, 2008

Batelco promised that by the end of 2007 the kingdom's access to global information and communications services would be ahead of numerous international markets, a promise which the company has delivered on, said chief executive Peter Kaliaropoulos.

Making the most of great telecom deals

January 30 - February 5, 2008

Unless you are a technically-savvy customer, deciding on what telecom offer to take up can prove a challenging experience.