TV Weekly

TV Weekly

Kardashian backlash as viewers feel duped

November 16 - 22, 2011

AN over-the-top wedding followed by a whipsaw divorce is leading to what can only be called Kardashian backlash, writes Brent Lang.
The family that captivated reality television and built the house of E! is coping with a vertiginous reversal of fortune.

TV Guide

November 16 - 22, 2011

Film – Jane Eyre on OSN Premiere at 10pm
After a bleak childhood, Jane Eyre goes out into the world to become a governess. As she begins her new position at Thornfield Hall, she meets the abrupt master of the house, Mr Rochester. Jane and her employer form a friendship and she soon finds herself falling in love with him. Jane seems to have found happiness at last, but could Mr Rochester’s terrible secret destroy it forever?