Culture Weekly

Silent poetry on show

September 27- October 3, 2023
Gulf Weekly Silent poetry on show
Gulf Weekly Silent poetry on show
Gulf Weekly Silent poetry on show
Gulf Weekly Silent poetry on show
Gulf Weekly Silent poetry on show

Gulf Weekly Mai Al Khatib-Camille
By Mai Al Khatib-Camille

The BAH-Bahrain Art Hub, made up of an eclectic artistic group, is captivating onlookers with their pretty and poignant pieces in the Art & Us exhibition.

The colourful showcase, organised by BAH-Bahrain Art Hub member Sudeep Deshpande at the Bahraini Artistic Frames Centre in Budaiya, boasts the creations of nine talented painters and sculptors with the aim of spreading joy and reflection.

“Art & Us is the coming together of artists with their individualistic approach towards art and how their art speaks to the viewers,” said architect, painter and metal sculptor Sudeep, who also represents the In Art World (IAW) group in Bahrain. “As an artist, it has always been my intention to help other artists prosper and get recognised.

“This group art exhibition is one such effort; an objective to give an ambience, a platform for committed and passionate artists who are sincere in their discipline and execution of their work.

“And just as the name of the exhibition suggests, art is one of the focal elements of society. It reflects upon various aspects that are an integral part of society. Art is for the people just as people are for art.”

Sudeep featured a series of canvases in acrylics and charcoal in the exhibition, which he says is a ‘reflection of human relationships, bonds and togetherness we have in our daily lives’.

“It is the vibrancies that we face at times, while holding on to those who matter the most to us in our lives,” added the Indian expatriate who owns a design firm and lives in Adliya. “I am an abstract artist who likes to explore his daily living and to interpret that on canvas. I believe that various emotions, moods or thoughts have their own geometry, their own lines, mass and space.

“To have experienced quite often, that improvisation leads to minimalism, thus, one can find a minimalistic approach in the expression of subjects in my works.

“My compositions hold a tight palette to be in context with the subject matter and its strong symbolism. They are purely a self-expression of bohemian ideas with their austere execution, being an honest interpretation of my world.”

The opening of the exhibition was a glittering success with art lovers from across the kingdom enjoying the works alongside the event’s chief guest— author, multi-lingual poetess and former radio jockey Nivedita Roy.

Meanwhile, works from Sudeep, Niju Joy, Atamjeet Singh Bawa, Pia Banerjee, Yusra Ahmed, Ali Al Hawaj, Sneha Raj, Sriparna Ghosh and Sreerupa Roy, will be up until September 30.

IAW member Sreerupa Roy featured eight of her art pieces made up of charcoal sketches, realistic portraits and acrylic paintings.

“This event organised by Bahrain Artistic Frames and Bahrain Art Hub is a great opportunity to each and every artist to showcase their talent,” said Sreerupa who has been living in Bahrain since 2015. “I don’t have any formal education in art. It’s my hobby and passion, which I want to continue.

“I want to share my feelings and expressions through my art works as, for me, art is a medium of expression which has no language bar.”

She had attended several workshops during the Covid-19 pandemic to help her brush up on her work.

“I have always been fond of interesting eyes, not only among humans, but also among animals,” she explained. “And I want to depict those lively eyes in my art. So nowadays, I am concentrating in making realistic portraits. I want to say to my audience that if you are interested about expressions of various eyes, then my art pieces will definitely give you enjoyment.”

Trained Indian classical dancer Pia, who is also a self-taught artist that has been in Bahrain for 24 years, is featuring two works called Annapurna and Sifr.

“I’ve always been a creative person,” she said.

“I’ve dabbled in art for some time now, experimenting and learning with every canvas. My preferred mediums are acrylic, charcoal, pastels and watercolours. I also like the abstract and expressionist style of art as I find more freedom there to create. I’m very much an instinctive artist and like to translate my ideas onto a canvas.”

For Pia art is a medium for learning and expressing. But the journey - from finding the inspiration and developing an idea - is meditation, she said.

“The Art & Us is a celebration of their support for us, artists,” she said.

Indian artist, sculptor and engineer Niju has exhibited three artworks and two sculptures.

“All my works exhibited in the show are a visual treat to the eyes, and the metal sculptures add an essence of overwhelmed feeling within ourselves,” said Niju, who enjoys working with different mediums such as acrylic and oil on canvas, paintings on recycled wood, watercolour and metal scrap.

“Several artists have told me that I should do only one style and get known for that style, so that my work is instantly recognisable,” he said.

“But I am an eclectic person with diverse interests, and so my paintings reflect that. I firmly believe artists need to push their boundaries to feel the passion of art within ourselves.”

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