Beat Street

Guns are beautiful: Fergie

September 20 - 27, 2006
Gulf Weekly Guns are beautiful: Fergie

The three girls on the south London station platform couldn’t have been more than 13, and as they waited for the train, they were singing, “My humps, my humps, my lovely lady lumps, check it out!” Though too young to have any lumps to speak of they sang with gusto, until one of them self-consciously giggled, “It’s an awful song.”

That was last autumn, and the tune was My Humps by the Black Eyed Peas, which reached the UK singles top three. “Awful” was the least of the criticisms it attracted — in America, where it was also a big hit, it was accused of “setting feminism back 40 years”. Nine months later, the Peas’ frontwoman, Stacy “Fergie” Ferguson, rolls her eyes, fed up with the whole thing. It was “just a song” — a light-relief departure from the California hip-pop band’s usual “conscious” attitude. By the standards of her life, the fuss was small beer indeed.
In America, Fergie’s been a familiar face since she was nine. That was when, as a third-grader from Hacienda Heights, California, she joined the cast of Kids Incorporated, “a variety show similar to the Mickey Mouse Club. It was a great music and entertainment school for kid actors, but I was embarrassed about it [by the time] I was 14, because it was uncool.”
Five years of that was enough to instil a rebellious “fascination” with Los Angeles gang members and guns. “Part of my affinity with urban music comes from being on Kids Incorporated, ’cos we used to sit around [between takes] and listen to Chaka Khan and Prince, and I got influenced by all that. Then gangsta rap got started, and I was infatuated with that — maybe that’s why I’m fascinated by guns. Guns are beautiful.” Aware of how that sounds, she hastily adds: “But I don’t like what they do.”
Emerging more or less unscathed from her gang phase, she had a brief relationship with another former child star, Justin Timberlake, and then formed a female R&B trio called Wild Orchid. Their initial success didn’t last. When the label refused to release their third album, she went into a depression that led to a dependence on ecstasy and crystal meth. Eventually, weighing six stone and also coping with attention-deficit disorder, she “went crazy”. This year she told an American magazine that she’d known it was time to quit drugs when she spent eight hours talking to a hamster. Was that true? A hamster? “It wasn’t a hamster,” she says, her voice dropping. “It was a hamper.”
How did the drug problem happen? “It was a gradual thing. I got unhappy [in Wild Orchid]. I’m a creative person, and for a while I did the drugs-and-club scene. I had a ‘special relationship’ with it,” she smiles ironically. “But I’ve been open about it in the past, and I don’t want...I mean, you can read about it on the Internet.”
In 2002, after she’d given up drugs and was working as a backing singer, her friend William Adams invited her to join his middlingly successful all-male rap group. It was a turning point for all — Stacy (as she then was), William and the Black Eyed Peas.
In its way, all of this has set Fergie up for the solo career launched this month with The Dutchess. The deliberately misspelled title refers to sharing a name with the Duchess of York, who has asked her to contribute to an educational charity project.
Her American label believes she has the potential to give Gwen Stefani, another female on leave from her male band, a run for her money. Like Stefani’s LAMB album, The Dutchess is a first-class example of the modern, no-boundaries sound that throws pop, rap, R&B and old Motown into the pot.
We have heard the amiably dirty, raucous single London Bridge, though. It’s already been No 1 in America, where only Anglophiles would recognise the structure in the accompanying video as Tower Bridge. “I knew that,” she insists. “I’m not saying it’s about the London Bridge, it’s just a London bridge.”
London or Tower, the song is pretty unambiguous. It’s hard to hear the chorus — “How come every time you come around, I go down like London, London, London Bridge?” — as anything but sexual. But, despite having co-written the song, Fergie seems ambivalent about being perceived as sexy. US magazine People declared her one of the “50 most beautiful people in the world” in 2004, and she habitually wears tops that reveal incredibly taut limbs and stomach. But she seems preoccupied by the fear that people will get the wrong idea about her.
She says she’d like to be “a role model” for girls who might be coerced into having sex too early. “I don’t sleep around, and I want to show girls that you don’t have to give it away — it should be a precious gift.” Fair enough.
Her publicist could have saved himself the trouble of coming to London. Fergie can look after herself.
The Dutchess was released on September 18

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