Special Report - Obesity

Fitness programme to help slim Bahrain

September 27 - October 4, 2006
Gulf Weekly Fitness programme to help slim Bahrain

The Cultural and Health Society is bringing to Bahrain a first-of-its-kind fitness programme, which will target overweight people and help them lose weight substantially in a little more than a month.

The programme entitled ‘Hones Days’, to be held between November 4 and Decmber 27, is a combination of exercise and diet which will be set out and monitored by experts.
The programme brings together doctors, nutritionists and experts from the Ministry of Health and various other hospital in Bahrain who will provide their advice and abilities to participants. The participants themselves will be chosen by this panel of experts. A 100 overweight people (50 men and 50 women) will be selected. Each participant is supposed to pay BD30 as a deposit. When they complete 90 per cent of the programme this amount will be returned.
The programme is divided into three parts — diet, walking and aerobics. Nutritionists will design diets to suit every participant’s needs. Walking and aerobics will be conducted by experts who will hold sessions at different venues every alternate week. The organisers stress that experts will always be at hand in the unlikely event of anything happening to participants.
At the end of the programme, the organisers will choose one male and one female participant who has improved the most and they will be awarded. Moreover, the organisers will hold presentations to support the diet-and-exercise regime and this will shown to the participants at regular intervals.
Participants will be monitored even after they finish the programme to ensure that they maintain their disciplined lifestyles. For more information, please contact Adnan on 39685547.

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