Tattle Tales

Nookie behind the rumour mill

September 27 - October 4, 2006

A contribution from Dick’s World reporter-at-large, the Blond Bomber

 It seems that agent TinTin from the Almoayyed Tower has really inspired the competitive spirit of the GW team and their gymnastic capabilities to the extent that even the editor has been sighted displaying formidable and dexterous back flips.
According to Salmaniya medical sources, there could have been more attention to detail with the dismount and they were actually of the opinion that the entire routine may well have been inadvertent as opposed to a well-rehearsed and fine tuned display of agility. Witnesses at this display were impressed and humored for about three seconds. The rapturous applause failed to follow as we were soberingly reminded of the fact that swimming pools, and flagstones are not the best of combinations.
Well...who will be the next Nadia Comaneci in the first week of Ramadan? Don’t be shy Marie Claire!
Which high-flying executive was seen being driven home by his female partner at 2am Friday morning, with a paralytic fish in the back seat? By the way, that was the first time she had ever driven a car..the things we do for love...eh!

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