Tattle Tales

Thinning them out!

September 27 - October 4, 2006

for better or verse
(Citing health reasons, a British Cabinet Minister calls for a ban on skinny models on the heels of a decision taken at Madrid Fashion Week)

Remember the time when it was fashionable to be
As painfully thin as the once-famous Twiggy?
Remember also the very slim Princess Di
Whose designer dresses caught every teen’s eye?
Now Madrid Fashion Week has delivered a shock
Banning extremely thin models from the catwalk
The body mass index (height and weight ratio) they’ll use
For those below 18 for the ramp they’ll not choose
A British Cabinet Minister with Madrid does agree
Health problems arise with teenagers aspiring to be
As thin as their idols – they starve to lose weight
Becoming anorexic and bulimic – a terrible fate
They say models should project beauty and health
But to imply thin models don’t is a canard it’s felt
What about thin women? Skinny models let them see
How they too can be dressed fashionably
Regardless of what is being thought of or said
A slim career for thin models may now lie ahead
— Leonora

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