Main Events

When will it all stop?

October 11 - 18, 2006

How many people have to die before the issue of worker transportation is going to be dealt with?

Three times in three weeks there have been reports of accidents and injuries due to the fact these workers are put in the back of open trucks to be taken to and from work like lambs to the slaughter.
It wasn’t enough that we were given two wake up calls to do something about it, this time people had to die. The law clearly states that such transportation is illegal and yet it goes on unabated and unchecked. What is the point of spending time to pass a law if there is absolutely no intention of enforcing it?
How can any sponsor sleep easy at night when he is knowingly putting the lives of so many people in danger all — to save a little bit of money? It’s disgusting and this particular sponsor should be made an example of. Manslaughter at the very least!

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