Krazy Kevin's Kids Klub

From the desk of Maria B

March 7 - 14, 2007
Gulf Weekly From the desk of Maria B

Hi Friends,
The formula for maintaining a good weight is simple.

Take less and burn more calories. But, then why do we see so many bulky children?
Some people blame young people for being overweight. At all times, you find them gobbling at fast food restaurants. The couch potatoes can watch uncountable satellite channels by just a click of a button. The only exercise undertaken by the computer whiz-kids is moving the mouse.
Some people hold parents responsible for urging their children to eat more without realising that the child is putting on extra pounds. The parents have become so busy that they don’t have time for their children. For them, the best thing they do for their kids is to earn more money.
Some people blame the government for not developing parks and attractions which attract the kids towards exercise. Even the so-called water garden in Bahrain has only electric rides and there are no games requiring physical activity.
Can you prescribe a solution?
Bye, Syeda Maria

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