At the Movies

Bahrain Cinema Club

June 20 - 26, 2007
Gulf Weekly Bahrain Cinema Club

The End of Summer
Director: Yasujiro Ozu
Cast: Ganjiro Nakamura: Kohayagawa Banpei /  Setsuko Hara: Akiko  Yôko Tsukasa:

Noriko, second daughter / Michiyo Aratama: Fumiko, eldest daughter  Keiju Kobayashi: Hisao, Fumiko’s husband / Masahiko Shimazu: Masao, their son
Plot: Yasujiro Ozu’s penultimate film is a reflective look at old age, mortality, the loss of traditional ways to a growing western influence, and the emergence of a new generation with different values and new ways of thinking and behaving. The film was nominated for the Golden bear Award at Berlin Film Festival.

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