Potter Special

Muggles growing up with Harry Potter

July 18 - 24, 2007
Gulf Weekly Muggles growing up with Harry Potter

TODAY the latest Harry Potter movie Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix opens in cinemas in Bahrain and fans of the magical character await the last book Harry Potter and the Deadly Hallows to go on sale on Saturday.

Two teenage fans - who have literally grown up with Harry - today reflect on the Muggle Generation and write about their feelings as an era comes to a close.
Harry Potter fans have started an online petition begging author J K Rowling not to end the hugely successful series.
Two characters in the seventh book will be killed off - with wizard Harry being one of the ‘favourites’ to die.
However, bookstore Waterstone’s are urging fans to sign their petition to help save the teenage sorcerer.
The petition, which can be found at www.waterstones.com/saveharry, reads:
“We, the undersigned, petition J K Rowling to write more new adventures for Harry Potter and his friends no matter what happens at the end of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.”
Spokesman Wayne Winstone added: “We’re not asking Rowling to start another novel tomorrow we’re just asking that she doesn’t rule it out.”
Meanwhile, Daniel Radcliffe - who plays Harry in the film versions of the books - fears his character will be killed off.
He said: “I think I might die in the final book. That’s just my prediction. I think so, but I’ve no idea at all - I have no inside hints!”

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