Potter Special

Party fun

July 18 - 24, 2007
Gulf Weekly Party fun

THE British Council is organising a Harry Potter party to coincide with the global release of the last Harry Potter book on Saturday.

The event will be held on Harry Potter's birthday and will feature competitions including best costumes, best bookmark, the screening of a Harry Potter movie, reading of the first book to children and colouring of Harry Potter characters.
The party is open to the general public, but places are limited.
Registration forms are available at the reception.
Registration starts today and forms should be returned by tomorrow at the latest. It will run from 11am until 2pm and parents of children between the ages of five and eight must be present.
Contact 17261555 (extension 250) between 11am and 4pm or e-mail abeer.alghawi@britishcouncil.org.bh for more information.

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