Your Stars for the week

Your Stars for the week with Russell Grant

July 18 - 24, 2007
(Jan 28 - Feb 18)

Teaming up with a dynamic person will open new doors for you. Let this person take the lead when it comes to romance and business. If you’re thinking of getting engaged or married, the next month would be ideal. Your sex life is undergoing signs of renewal; even a committed relationship feels like a heady affair. Smoothing over differences about joint finances is possible, now that you’re willing to see the other person’s point of view. Let down your defences.


(Feb 19 - Mar 20)

Looking after your health must be your first priority this week. Starting an exercise regimen or diet will bring great results. Finding a new job is another possibility. Although you won’t get a promotion, you could find a position that is more creatively fulfilling. If you’re in a relationship, you could enjoy a second honeymoon phase. Make it your mission to attend to your partner’s needs: emotional, physical, and spiritual. The more you give, the more you’ll get.

(Mar 21 - Apr 19)

For the past few weeks, you’ve been preoccupied with family matters. Now you’re ready to shed these considerations and focus on fun. If you’re already in a relationship, you may embark on a second honeymoon with your amour. Single? Throw some flirtatious glances at someone who radiates self confidence. It’s possible that you’ll develop romantic feelings for a former colleague. This would also be a good week to redecorate your office space. Choose colours, furnishings, and decorations that reflect your softer side.

(Apr 20 - May 20)

You’ll have to lead the way when it comes to family matters. You’re the only one who balances practicality with compassion. Putting a child on a sensible schedule will bring harmony to your household. Naturally, your young friend will balk at the change, but he or she will eventually bend to your will if you stand firm. An old lover could try to make their way back into your life. Consider carefully whether this relationship can truly be salvaged.

(May 21 - June 20)

You’ll be awfully busy for the next four weeks, so try not to push yourself too hard. It’s better to cut your list of things to do in half, rather than set unrealistic expectations. A few short trips could be in the cards, too. Revisiting a favourite spot from childhood conjures up powerful memories. On some level, you can never go back again. Still, it’s fun to remember old times and bask in the golden glow of nostalgia.

(Jun 21 - Jul 22)

Assuming a leadership role in business is they best way to make a profit. People have confidence in your abilities, and will give you their financial backing. Launching your own business is highly favoured between now and late August. A misdirected letter or email could find its way back to you. It’s a relief to know you weren’t ignored or overlooked. Taking a course for a second time could be pleasurable. Some subjects merit revisiting. You could find love in the classroom.

(Jul 23 - Aug 22)

Your self confidence comes shining through between now and late August. You won’t let anything stand in your way during this thrilling period. If anybody dares try to oppose you, they’ll wither beneath your contemptuous gaze. Don’t buy any luxury products between now and early September, as they could prove defective or flawed. This may seem like a long time to be deprived of the finer things in life, but don’t worry. There will be compensations in the romance department.

(Aug 23 - Sep 22)

Returning to things that gave you pleasure in childhood will be a continuing trend between now and early September. Take this opportunity to listen to old albums, reread favourite books, and watch sentimental movies. These activities will give you a sexy glow that is hard to resist. You’ll have your pick of admirers during this golden period. Spending quiet evenings with your amour will be preferable to attending loud, crowded parties. Resist the urge to convert a colleague to your point of view this week.

(Sep 23 - Oct 22)

Don’t be surprised if you’re asked to assume a leadership role over the next month. You may be sitting in for someone who is ill or attending to family duty. People respond to your diplomacy and good taste. If you play your cards right, you could use this position to attract a bigger and better offer. A secret love affair could take root in your life again. You’ll have lots of clandestine cloak and dagger fun between now and early September.

(Oct 23 - Nov 21)

You can make impressive advances in your career over the next four weeks. Take this opportunity to apply for a raise, promotion, or award. You exude an air of authority that is extremely attractive. An old friendship could blossom into a fully fledged romance, if you’re so inclined. You’re drawn to this person’s incisive thinking, and they’re captivated by your passion for life. If you’re already in a relationship, you should attend a big party with your amour.

(Nov 22 - Dec 21)

Venturing into unknown territory could be something of an obsession for you this coming month. Take this opportunity to plan an exotic vacation. Alternately, you could take up a hobby or sport that involves an element of risk. A high powered person you knew from a previous job could contact you about a possible work assignment. This would be a welcome opportunity to break into another industry or find acclaim for your creative work. Avoid getting in a senseless argument with a colleague.

(Dec 22 - Jan 19)

Stripping off external distractions and exposing the real you will be thrilling and scary. Still, you’re determined to take the plunge, even at the risk of destroying the status quo. This bold move wins the admiration of someone who has always been intrigued by you. Don’t be surprised if you find yourselves in a passionate embrace. A postponed trip overseas could be rescheduled between now and early September. Love will probably follow you on this journey.

More on Your Stars for the week