Ask Betsy

Ask Betsy

August 22 - 28, 2007
Gulf Weekly Ask Betsy

Dear Betsy,
I have some white cotton trousers that I packed in my suitcase next to some dark clothes and now they are stained with some sort of dye. Can you recommend the best way to get the stains out without using bleach?
Innes Grey

Dear Innes,
You should try “Vanish” products available from most supermarkets.  I recommend soaking the trousers in a solution with Vanish added to it either overnight or for a few hours.
You can then wash them as normal and the stains should disappear without damaging the fabric. Other good products called ‘Stain Devils’, also available from supermarket offering different versions to remove  specific stains such as ink, etc.

Dear Betsy,
I know you may have received letters and also know many men with this same problem.
Yes! I am a very hairy person and feel very embarrassed to wear sleeves or go for any pool and beach parties … because I will be the only one not in the pool or joining in the fun in the sea.
Can you offer a solution or some kind of cream for removing my hair – permanently. Laser treatment is too expensive.
Kind regards,
Big Hairy

Dear Big Hairy,
You are right, I have had other men asking me about hair removal.
Many men are uncomfortable about their level of body hair; some, like you, want to remove it … and others ask me how they can grow more body hair!
People are never satisfied. 
Electrolysis, where a fine needle is inserted into the hair follicle and the root is zapped with a small electrical charge, is still the only medically proven method of permanent hair removal, but it is not practical for a large area such as arms.
Laser is easier, although not permanent, and as several treatments are required, it can be an expensive option.
If you are talking about large body areas such as the arms, then hair removal creams and gels can be very effective.
There are many on the market so try some and you might find the one most suited to your needs.
Shaving is another option, but not one I would advise. Waxing is an increasingly popular option. When performed correctly, it removes hair from the root and can leave you fuzz free for up to four weeks.
You can buy wax strips and wax products from the supermarkets and pharmacies, but if you have never had waxing before, I would urge you to have it done professionally the first time.
Whatever method you choose it is important to take care of your skin after removal.
Avoid hot baths, showers, sunbathing, swimming, applying perfumed products to the skin or wearing very tight clothes for up to 48 hours afterward to avoid irritation.
I realise that you are self conscious about your body hair but many women find this a very attractive male feature.
Think carefully before removing it.

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