Your Stars

Your Stars for the week

November 28 - December 4, 2007

Aquarius Jan 28 - Feb 18. A short trip to see a relative or friend could be in the stars over the countdown to Christmas and you will benefit from the change of scenery. The people you visit could inspire you to publish a book or improve your skills and qualifications. Before you make any plans, check in with work. An exciting position that seems perfectly suited to your creative abilities could become available. It's more important to build up your cash reserves than it is to expand your horizons.

PISCES FEB 19 - Mar 20

The next three weeks demand that you consider your professional future. You've got to create a strategy for climbing the ladder of success. For too long, your talents have been overlooked. Now is the time to showcase your abilities. Starting your own business can be as simple as borrowing money from the bank. Fortunately, there's a market for your creative vision. You could find particular success selling your work overseas.

Aries Mar 21 - Apr 19

You'll have masses of marvellous opportunities to spread your wings and fly this week. If the holiday season gets you down, this would be a good time to take an exotic trip. A change of scene will put you in a good mood and might even put you in the path of love. Your expertise may not be acknowledged at work. Keep tension at bay with a massage or lots of evening entertainments. An unexpected windfall or bonus helps you afford life's little luxuries.

Taurus Apr 20 - May 20

Who you know makes more difference than what you know this week. If you need a few extra favours, ask a colleague who is in a position to grant them. Fortunately, you have a good relationship with the person in question. Partnerships prove positive and providential between now and the end of the year. If you've been thinking of getting engaged or married, this would be a great time to pop the question. Forming a creative business alliance is also a good idea.

Gemini May 21 - June 20

Making plans with a business or romantic partner will prove fruitful this week. The two of you are eager to move onward and upward. Now you just have to settle a way to divide the work. If you're on your own, you could meet someone special at a cultural or Christmas event. The object of your affection will have both the beauty and brains you like. Your work situation becomes much more pleasant between now and the end of the year. Everybody is entering into the festive spirit.

Cancer Jun 21 - Jul 22

Ideas for improving your health are worth following over the countdown to Christmas. Domestic life will prove blissful now, particularly after a relative comes forward to relieve you of chores. If you're looking for love, you could find it between now and the end of the year. Keep your eyes open for an enigmatic figure at a nightclub. Be ready to accept a colleague's criticisms with good grace, or you will look like an arrogant know it all.

Leo Jul 23 - Aug 22

Romantic opportunities arrive through intellectual activities like book clubs, chess games, and study groups over the next three weeks. Fortunately, your gift with words enables you to seduce anyone who crosses your path. Don't be fooled, you will not have the upper hand in this relationship. In fact, your amour will have a powerful influence over every aspect of your life. Decorating your home for Christmas will be a wonderful way to draw your family together in a spirit of festive harmony.

Virgo Aug 23 - Sep 22

Making arrangements for a family Christmas could take up the lion's share of your time over the next three weeks. Resist the temptation to do everything yourself. Relatives will be happy to help you with food, decorations, and housework. You'll get a marvellous response from an advertisement, blog, or mass mailing. Don't be too discouraging toward a relative or neighbour who wants to try something new.

Libra Sep 23 - Oct 22

Christmas has always been a busy time for you, and the weeks ahead will prove no exception. You may have to go on several short business trips before the end of the year. Keep a small bag packed. Efforts related to sales and advertising will prove positive and profitable. You can talk anybody into anything right now. Spending more time on the activities and people you love will put you on a festive high so delegate mundane chores to neighbours, friends, and family members.

Scorpio Oct 23 - Nov 21

Ideas for making money come fast and furious over the next three weeks. Ventures related to travel, law, and publishing look especially promising. A secret love affair brings you a thrill of pleasure. It's easy to be kind and generous with others when your private life is so blissful. People will wonder if you've had a health or beauty treatment in the weeks ahead; you've never looked better. Don't let a pessimistic pal stop you making a small investment in an overseas business.

Sagittarius Nov 22 - Dec 21

If you feel like you're up banging your head against a brick wall, explain your feelings to your nearest and dearest. You never know who will step forward to help you. An authority figure may not be willing to give you time off. Perhaps they suspect you are looking for better job opportunities. Lecturing, teaching, and writing will bring great success over the next three weeks. A well connected friend could introduce you to an influential person in the next few days.

Capricorn Dec 22 - Jan 19

Trust your intuition when dealing with a neighbour or relative. Although the two of you have very different approaches to life, you can make great progress by working together. A woman may ask you to take on a thankless job, but by getting on with it with a minimum fuss you could earn yourself a great reputation and maybe a big bonus. This will come in very handy with Christmas coming near. At long last, you'll be able to spend more time with your nearest and dearest.

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