Local News

Cancer care at hand

February 13 - 19, 2008
Gulf Weekly Cancer care at hand

A breast cancer support group is set to be launched next month to offer sufferers and survivors of the disease information, help and encouragement.

Adrienne Buck, a breast care nurse and lymphoedema practitioner from Australia, decided to establish the support group after she realised the much-needed resource was lacking in the kingdom. She said: "A lot of people have said that Bahrain is lacking support groups and fighting breast cancer can be a very lonely experience. There is a real need for a group that helps women to deal with the disease.

"The aim of the group is to offer a friendly and confidential environment where people can provide mutual support based on shared experiences. They can feel free to listen, observe, or contribute as they feel."

An open house will be held on 19 March at the World Beat Fitness Centre in Janabiya where those who are, or have suffered from the disease are invited to meet. "I'd like to find out what people would like from the group and try to meet those needs," explained Adrienne.

Adrienne, 45, of Juffair has treated scores of breast cancer sufferers and believes that the benefits of support groups are great.

"Breast cancer support groups play a crucial role in the recovery process. Research has shown that being supported by others going through a similar experience helps to ease stress, provide comfort and coping strategies and emotional support," she said.

"In support groups women can share experiences and issues and realise that they are not alone in facing a life threatening illness."

She added that while friends and family provide essential support and help, support groups can offer additional information regarding the psychological, physical and practical challenges facing sufferers.

"Often there are financial concerns, work concerns, dealing with physical side effects of treatment, and whole range of other problems which can be shared," she said.

She also pointed out that each case differs and not all sufferers wish to join a support group, but added that the "opportunity should be available."

"Many sufferers are not aware of what resources there are in Bahrain and people can share their knowledge," she added.

Around 80 new cases of breast cancer are diagnosed every year in Bahrain.

Adrienne said that the awareness generated by Bahrain's breast cancer charity Think Pink has encouraged women to talk about the disease and to express their needs.

"This helped in discovering the need for support groups," said Adrienne.

The group will meet monthly and in the future Adrienne plans to invite guest speakers to advise on alternative therapies, nutrition and other subjects. Adrienne has also teamed up with the Bahrain Cancer Society (BCS) and a monthly support group held in Arabic will start at the BCS premises at Salmaniya Medical Complex from 18 March.

Rula Alsaffar, head of the cancer support group, who will be leading the group said: "We're extremely happy that we're reactivating a support group here."

The Breast Cancer Support Group Open House will be held from 4-5pm, and 7.30-9pm at World Beat Fitness Centre, in Janabiya.

An Arabic spoken breast cancer support group will be held at the Bahrain Cancer Society on 18 March from 6:30 - 8:30pm.

For more information call Adrienne or Michelle at WBF on 17612576, Rula on 39662427, or email adrienne.buck@msn.com

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