Dear Betsy, I have my GCSE exams coming soon and everyone thinks I am studying hard and will pass them easily. The truth is that I have not been studying at all. I just feel so panicked and scared and feel that I will never learn enough in time and don't know where to start. My mum is busy with my brother who is handicapped and I don't want to worry her and my dad is always at work in Saudi. I can't sleep and just go to bed and cry. What can I do to get back to studying?
A good girl
Dear Good Girl,
What you are experiencing is normal. GCSE exams are an important stage in your education and many young people feel stressed at the thought of all the studying and also the fact that the outcome can have an important impact on your future studies.
The longest journey begins with the first step and that is all you have to do, take that first step.
What is your favourite subject? Begin with that and study for just 20 minutes. Even if it is only reading a couple of paragraphs from your text book or reviewing a past exam paper or writing out some French vocabulary words.
You just need to get back into the habit of studying again.
Once you see how to organise your time and you have a plan of action then I am sure you will feel more confident.
By making a Revision Plan and mapping out your objectives and goals you will soon find yourself wondering why you were so worried.
With study leave and the Easter holidays coming up, you will be able to split your time between study and relaxation periods to suit your own timings.
An overloaded brain won't work so well, better to plan your study sessions with short breaks in between and plan your daily and weekly study goals with some rewards once you reach them.
These rewards can take the form of a visit to the cinema or a trip to the mall to hang out with friends etc.
You could try sharing your revision with a 'study buddy' and follow a revision plan together.
It is also important to make sure you get enough sleep, exercise and eat well. Go for a swim, take a walk, a bike ride or dance to some music, exercise keeps your mind and body fit and energised.
My secret study tip is to use rosemary essential oil, as this works directly on your memory and can help you retain and recall knowledge. I like to mix three drops of rosemary oil, one drop of peppermint oil and two drops of lemon or grapefruit oil. You can put these in a little candle burner with some water or use an electric diffuser or just simply put one drop of each oil on a tissue and inhale deeply three times then pop it into your blouse pocket or somewhere that you can easily 'sniff' it during your studying time.
When you want to recall what you have studied, it is said that smelling the same aroma can help your brain find that information, so you can pop the oils onto a tissue and inhale deeply before you go into the exam room and pop the tissue in your pocket.
Anyone who is epileptic, has high blood pressure or is pregnant should not use rosemary oil.
Eating a couple of squares of dark chocolate that is a minimum of 70 per cent cocoa before an exam is also said to help with exam nerves and help you focus. Of course, none of these things will help if your brain doesn't have the knowledge to recall to begin with!
I often advise readers to 'think positively' but it really can help you. Just keep visualising yourself opening those exam results and seeing the grades you want and feel how great that will be and just believe in yourself.
When my eldest son was going through his A levels he was away at boarding school and was very stressed.
I typed out the following phrase 50 times for him; " I have everything I need to get everything I want" I cut it into strips of paper, mailed it to him and told him to stick it everywhere, on his computer screen, beside his bed, on his study books, on his desk, on the TV screen, on his bathroom mirror, on his music player etc and keep reading it, repeating it to himself and believing it.
Soon his friends were all doing the same!
You can try all of these things but please do confide in your mum and dad, no matter how busy they may seem, they will want to help and support you as like all parents, I am sure they love you and want the very best for you.
DO YOU HAVE ANY STUDY TIPS YOU WOULD LIKE TO SHARE? Email me at the address at the top of the page.
Dance your way to happiness and get fit at the same time. This doesn't mean you have to dust down your disco diva togs from the seventies and hang out at the island's hottest spots! Either join a dance fitness class such as jazzercise or belly dancing or even salsa to experience fun and fitness at the same time. Shy? Then get out your favourite "blast from the past" music whether it is Slade, T-Rex, Rod Stewart, Donna Summer or Gloria Gaynor, lock everyone out and just let yourself goooooo!