Your Stars


October 1 - 7, 2008

Aquarius Jan 28 - Feb 18 It's worth exploring an opportunity to make money from your creative talents. Your income could arrive in fits and starts, but that won't bother you. You've always been able to work with the resources you have. During the fiscally flush times, you need to put some money into savings to keep your afloat during tougher times. Someone may try to play on your sympathies. Don't bail this person out of trouble, or you could be implicated in their activities.

PISCES FEB 19 - Mar 20

Your love life is crackling with electric excitement. If you're single, you could meet someone special at a nightclub, riverside cafŽ, or basement restaurant. Keep your eyes open for a dark, mysterious person with lots of animal magnetism. It's possible a friend will introduce the two of you. If you're in a relationship, this would be a good time to go on a vacation with your lover and leave the kids with relatives or caring friends; this trip is for adults only!

Aries Mar 21 - Apr 19

Intimacy is the name of the game. Spend your time getting closer to the people you love. Letting down your defences will be a relief. You're tired of being the strong one all of the time. Stop taking on so many responsibilities and start sharing your problems with others. When people see how much you've got on your plate, they'll pitch in and help out. Sneaking off to a romantic spot with your amour could be the hot spot of the whole week.

Taurus Apr 20 - May 20

You'll have to be very assertive with a bashful person. Although you're not especially outgoing, you need to push yourself if you're going to get what you want. It may not be easy to gain access to an educational or cultural institution so be patient and wait a wee while. Things could change very soon. Going out on a blind date could be great fun and if you've been thinking about taking a friendship down a romantic route, follow your heart.

Gemini May 21 - June 20

You're going to be very busy this week, attending to household repairs, office paperwork, and general correspondence. Relatives can help you with childcare and other domestic responsibilities. If you're on your own, you can rely on your network of neighbours and friends to help you in testing times. An exciting career opportunity could be offered to you over the next few days. But, once again, you'll have to weigh this against your current commitments.

Cancer Jun 21 - Jul 22

You're quite competitive right now, and are happy to go to unusual lengths to outshine your rivals, romantic or otherwise. This is a great time to enter a contest or submit your work for review. Trust a close friend or lover's criticisms, as they will help polish your performance to diamond brilliance. Resist the urge to analyse the life out of a close relationship. If it feels right, it's meant to be. Good news about a business matter is a cause for celebration.

Leo Jul 23 - Aug 22

Whipping your household into order makes you feel more calm and settled. This is a wonderful time to clear clutter. Hold a yard sale, donate stuff to charity, and throw the rest out or you'll feel blocked and tired. Creating an office space or art studio could inspire you to spend more time on the projects you love. You could make a tidy profit from some creative efforts while a physical relationship gives you a sexy sparkle that is most attractive.

Virgo Aug 23 - Sep 22

You have a sharp mind, and need mental stimulation to be happy. Fortunately, a clever person who challenges your way of thinking gives you plenty of food for thought as your opposing views give you lots to talk through and wrangle about. Don't let a child take advantage of your generosity later this week. Spoiling a youngster will only set them up for heartache later on. Keep those boundaries firm, but fair, for both of your sakes.

Libra Sep 23 - Oct 22

You have an opportunity to enhance your fiscal fortunes. It may be necessary to drive a hard bargain with a potential employer and be prepared to walk away from a bad deal. In a few days' time, you could be given a much better offer. Try not to fall prey to sentimentality, as it could cloud your judgment with a manipulative relative. Lending money to this person will only lead to resentment. Keep your hard earned cash in the bank, where it belongs.

Scorpio Oct 23 - Nov 21

Your powers of seduction are potent and passion packed. You can get anything from bank loans to concert tickets just by giving people a come hither look. Someone in your social circle could catch your fancy. Say a few suggestive things and then make a strategic retreat. You'll soon have them eating out of your hand. If you have a lover, plan a surprise, for predicable routines have a way of squashing romance. Inject a little excitement into your lives.

Sagittarius Nov 22 - Dec 21

Working behind the scenes is the way to go. You're tired of always fitting in to satisfy other people. Tackling a project for your own pleasure will lift your spirits. You're making more money than usual, but don't fritter it away. You'd be wise to save up as there may be heavy expenses ahead. An authority figure is impressed by your sensible attitude, and could give you a highly confidential assignment. Take it as a compliment.

Capricorn Dec 22 - Jan 19

You work best as part of an ambitious team. That's because your ideas get better when you run them past critical thinkers. Take their suggestions to heart, as they will make you a better worker. Acting like people have nothing to teach you will cause you to miss a valuable learning opportunity. Being receptive to constructive criticism could build bonds between you and a true professional who will be happy to pass on their knowledge and know how.

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