Your Stars

Your Stars for the week with Russell Grant

November 26 - December 2, 2008

Aquarius Jan 28 - Feb 18 A passion packed love affair gives you a sexy glow that makes friends, family and fellow workers sit up and take notice. Don't be surprised when people keep asking you what your secret is. Nothing puts a spring in your step like love. An unexpected expense could force you to cancel arrangements with friends, but you won't let it get you down for long and you'll have more fun at home with your nearest and dearest doing what you do best.

PISCES FEB 19 - Mar 20

An old friendship could blossom into new romance with very little encouragement. You're not sure why you've developed such a strong desire for the person in question. Perhaps you're getting tired of the people you usually fall for and fancy something a little different. Teaming up with someone who truly loves and appreciates you will be a refreshing change. Resist the urge to leave a job based on intellectual differences.

Aries Mar 21 - Apr 19

Career concerns put you in the spotlight, which is exactly where you like to be. Being offered a plum position is proof your boss is impressed with your talent. It may be necessary to train with someone older as a means to learn the business from the ground up. That's fine so long as you give them the respect they are due. Granted, their methods may be a little old fashioned, but they are still just as worthwhile as they've always been.

Taurus Apr 20 - May 20

A burning desire to travel may prompt you to book a trip. If you're single, you're sure to find romance on this journey. You could be drawn to someone who is much older or younger than you. This age difference seems to enhance your relationship, not detract from it. An organisation you once respected has taken an unusual turn and their attitudes and motives are causing concern. Break with them before their actions reflect poorly on you.

Gemini May 21 - June 20

Money from an inheritance or legal settlement gives you a chance to make home improvements. This is a wonderful time to update your kitchen, revamp the bathroom, or add another room. If you don't own a home, think about buying one. Although you hate being tied down by possessions, it's usually a good idea to have a secure home base. A close friend or romantic partner could lose their job. Be ready to lend a sympathetic ear.

Cancer Jun 21 - Jul 22

Someone close gives you the drive to go back to school. Learning a foreign language or taking up new technological skills will be stimulating and frustrating. Stick with it, all good things take time and perseverance. A legal decision could come as an utter surprise. It may be necessary to switch jobs. Working in a hostile environment will take a toll on your health. Fortunately, a neighbour or sibling could tip you off to a much better position.

Leo Jul 23 - Aug 22

Your job puts you in touch with some highly creative people. Being around writers, painters, or actors may inspire you to begin an art project of your own. By all means, follow your star. Your imagination is your most precious treasure. If you stick to this path, you might even be able to sell your work for a handsome profit. A business or romantic partner may be behaving erratically. It's probably wise to take a more active role in your joint finances.

Virgo Aug 23 - Sep 22

You have a yen to go on an overseas journey with your lover, or in search of a lover. Exotic surroundings will fan the flames of your mutual passion. Don't impose your family's values on your beloved. Just because you were raised to think a certain way doesn't mean it's right. In fact, you will benefit from adopting a fresh set of views and values that actually reflect where you are as a person today. Flexibility is the cornerstone of any healthy relationship.

Libra Sep 23 - Oct 22

Home is where the heart is. Entertaining friends and family brings out the best in you. You're the type of host who is able to let go and have a good time after your guests arrive. That's probably why your parties are so successful. Resist the urge to tell a colleague what you really think of their shoddy performance. In spite of what you may think your boss is fully aware of this person's negative impact on the workplace. They won't be around much longer.

Scorpio Oct 23 - Nov 21

You could get some good news regarding a female friend or relative. This is cause for celebrating. A fun night on the town will let you forget all of the frustrations that have been building for the past few weeks. An official from a humanitarian organisation may offer to write you a recommendation or put you in line for a job. Be sure to accept this generous offer. A moody child is misbehaving as a way of winning your attention.

Sagittarius Nov 22 - Dec 21

Normally, you don't care much about your personal presentation or what you wear, but this week you'll want to make a good impression on a potential employer. If you look the part of a professional, you'll be more likely to land a well paid position. A relative won't like it if you try to change them so stop pushing books and movies or your views and values on this person. It makes them feel as though you don't respect them. Live and let live.

Capricorn Dec 22 - Jan 19

This is a really great time for learning and studying. If you want to boost your qualification apply for a place on a training course now, while the stars are behind you. Ask an influential business associate to put in a good word for you. Mechanical equipment and complicated technology has a nasty way of breaking down just when you need it most. Be sure to back up your files. Taking the car in for a service is probably a good idea too.

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