Local News

Youngsters get their X'mas act on stage

December 24 - 30 2008

YOUNGSTERS from the RIA Centre didn't let their differences get in the way of celebrating Christmas and the coming holidays.

The centre was set up almost 10 years ago by Christine Gordon after she discovered her son Othman, now 12, was autistic.

It operates as a nursery with three mixed ability classes for older children with learning and physical disabilities.

And all the youngsters wanted to get in on the act when the classes took to the stage at the British Club for some festive fun.

The tinies trod the boards dressed in patriotic red and white to the flashing of dozens of cameras as parents and pals captured the moment for posterity.

Then mixed ability classes performed to the chart-topping Umbrella Song and there was even moon-walking to Michael Jackson before the show took a decidedly yuletide turn with disabled pupils and volunteers dressed as Christmas trees and snowmen.

Helpers sold delicious homemade gingerbread men and music therapist Aksana L'akdar, who helps out at the centre, gave a tuneful performance including the old favourite Somewhere Over the Rainbow.

The finale saw every pupil, even those who were unable to take part in the main performances, coming onto the stage to say Happy Holidays led by tiny Noora, in traditional Japanese attire, and many of the other youngsters sporting national dress.

A delighted Christine introduced guest of honour, the Pakistani Ambassador Ikramullah Mehsud, whose embassy is one of the centre's sponsors and told the gathering to be proud of the youngsters and what they have achieved.

She said: "We wanted all the children to come on stage so they can all take part. Our theme for the new year is to be proud of all our children, whatever their abilities, they help to make our lives complete."

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