Krazy Kevin

Krazy Kavin

December 2008

As 2008 draws to a close it is time for reflection on the past year and to reaffirm our hopes and dreams for the coming year, 2009.

For me, the last year was one of great sadness as I lost my dad. He'd been ill for quite a while and passed away in April, leaving just my mum and me. A few people have asked how she is coping, and I answer that she seems to be doing well; with help from her four dogs who keep her very active. Actually she is probably fitter than me as she walks them three times a day. She has recently joined some social groups and, amazingly, has even taken up line dancing!

The year did however end on a high note with a wonderful holiday to Sri Lanka with my daughter, my wife, and her mum and dad also joining us. We all felt a wonderful sense of wellbeing and togetherness as we holidayed as a family.

The last weeks of 2008 have been very busy for me with Christmas related events, and working on the radio and doing outside broadcasts from the City Centre Shopping Mall. I really enjoy getting out and about and meeting people, as I have been doing so much lately; but it can be tricky when people approach me and say things like, 'Remember me? We met at my daughter's school 2 years ago; I was the one in the purple dress!' Of course I always strain my brain and reply in the affirmative, however sometimes it's a bit of a white lie.

During 2008 my daughter Hannah must have been pretty 'nice' as she received lots of presents from Santa, and from our whole family as well. So, to make space in her room for all her great new 'stuff' Wendy decided to have a clear out of Hannah's 'baby' toys and other bits and pieces, and we decided to donate it all to RIA (Regional Institute for Active Learning). RIA is a charity organisation that helps kids of all ages with special needs, including autism. This has in recent times become a personal issue for us as we have a nephew called Mitchell who has recently been diagnosed. He is a smashing lad who in some ways is behind other children, especially when it comes to playing and socialising, but in other things such as math and spelling he far excels the 'norm'.

At RIA we met Christine Gordon and some of the teachers and students as well. They are lovely happy kids and they enjoy a warm and comforting environment. Christine was proud to show us RIA's recent addition; a 'sensory room' which has lots of different textured and coloured items hanging from the ceiling and stuck on the walls. So, if you're reading this article if you have unneeded toys, books, jigsaws, educational items, or anything else at all useful drop me an email and I'll find out if it could be put to good use at RIA.

Wendy's mum and dad have been with us for the last six weeks. It has been wonderful to see them and to re-connect as a family as we'd not seen them for over two years. Sadly they departed to go back home to Australia today and we shall miss them enormously. However as the New Year approaches we are also looking forward to changes and new challenges. Hannah is starting at 'big school' (St Christopher's) and Wendy's starting at a new job. I'm moving to a new slot on the radio which will be 'Driving you Krazy at Drive Time' from 3pm through to 6pm every day with lots of new features and plenty of quizzes and listener interaction. If you have any ideas or suggestions just drop me a line to my email and I'll do my best to keep you entertained in 2009.

Happy New Year

Krazy Kevin

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