
Practice with your feet together

December 2008

Keeping your feet together, practice hitting balls with the ball teed up. Your feet should be almost touching. Swing slowly at first. Concentrate on making solid contact with the ball. Always think tempo and rhythm. Once you can hit consistently good shots, work on hitting the ball off the grass.

You may be surprised how far you can hit the ball with your feet together as you groove your swing. This drill helps you in many ways and it's great to use as a warm-up within every practice session. And it's a great drill to develop the feel of a good release.

The purpose of this is to promote good balance and rhythm. This is one of the most popular practice drills, because it is easy to do and yet it does so much for you. Use it as a warm-up or to stay loose while waiting to hit your next shot on the course.

To improve timing, reduce swaying, and promote good swing mechanics. This drill encourages you to swing within your capabilities. It reduces swaying because of the narrow balance point. If you sway or swing too hard you will almost fall over.

Some golfers even use this drill as part of their pre-shot routine. They do a practice swing with their feet together to develop the feel of the proper arm and hand action. It seems to make the release a little more natural.

Do the 'feet together drill' whenever you start to lose confidence in your swing because of repeated missed shots, or ball flight problems. This drill can prevent many bad faults from creeping into your swing.

On a bad day some players use this drill as an emergency fix during the round. They move their feet very close together to prevent extraneous body movements that may be causing errant shots, resulting in loss of confidence and wasted strokes.

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