Local News

Last chance for free treat

February 4 - 10, 2009

It's the last chance to enter our competition to find Bahrain's most romantic couple ... and the winners will be whisked away for a candlelit meal at one of the kingdom's leading hotel restaurants, travelling to and from their home in a chauffeur-driven luxury limo.

GulfWeekly has teamed up with Mšvenpick Hotel Bahrain and Limousina to ensure our two lucky readers are treated to a Valentine's evening they will never forget.

Editor Stan Szecowka said: "Romance is in the air and GulfWeekly is going soppy - nothing beats true love and the kingdom is full of the warmest, most loving people on the planet."

All YOU have to do is email editor@gulfweekly.com and tell us about YOUR most romantic moment - expressing why you love the woman or man in your life - and you could win this fabulous prize.

The competition closes on Thursday when we will contact the winners and you can read all about their special night out in next week's GulfWeekly as they are picked up by a driver from Limousina, the executive chauffeur limousine service, and taken to the Mšvenpick's celebrated Silk's Restaurant.

Mšvenpick will be pulling out all stops to create an incredible 'world of love' on the evening of Saturday, February 14.

Our couple will be warmly received with a welcome drink upon arrival, enjoy a candle lit dinner savouring a unique five-course gourmet dinner specially prepared for this special day.

Silk's Restaurant will flaunt the colours of romance - warm and softly lit, intimate ambience to create a relaxing atmosphere.

To mark the special occasion the couple will also be presented a box of mouthwatering chocolates before being taken by limousine back to their Bahrain home.

They will travel in a shiny new luxurious Limousina Lexus 460LS driven by a multi-lingual, experienced chauffeur in uniform.

Don't miss out on the chance of a night to remember - tell us your most romantic story by emailing editor@gulfweekly.com

Normal GulfWeekly rules apply. The editor's decision is final.


This week's entrants included Sangita Sachdeva, who told us:

'After two years of courtship I married my boyfriend against the wishes of my parents. Soon after I realised a lot of disimilarities between us be it our ideas, cultural differences or the financial situation in life. I was brought face to face with reality and soon I realised a lot of things which I never knew about myself. During that phase I developed health issues as well. Dealing with all this and two hectic jobs made me short tempered and quite intolerant to everything. I did not want to compromise at all but during all this my saviour, my hubby, never ever complained, he silently put up with everything.'

The couple even moved in her husband's parents where Sangita continued to throw tantrums but his day to day compromise kept the marriage going when she wanted to separate.

Sangita continued: 'It is going to be six years since our marriage this March and today we have a beautiful one-year-old daughter and times have changed for good for our small family. Today I have realised the true love of my hubby which I thought was all about giving expensive gifts on birthdays, anniversaries or a Valentine's Day!

'But now my view has completely changed because a precious smile from my husband and his rock-like support is the biggest and most expensive gift I can ever have.

'I just hope this article gets published in your paper so that my hubby can know what a gem of a person he is.'

If you think you're more romantic than Sangita, let us know about it.

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