Local News

Make safety of pupils top priority

February 4 - 10, 2009

I have extensively written about the inefficiency of Bahrain's school transportation system last year and I only find it fitting to compare what happened last year with this year.

I have noticed significant changes in the way schools treat the students who make the journey from their homes to schools. I have noticed that buses now park right in front of the schools' main gates so that students do not have to walk or cross streets in order to enter their respective schools.

What really impressed me is that more and more traffic police officers have been stationed close to schools so there is monitoring of the safety rules and regulations. All this we have done and achieved. However, there are still some weaknesses in the system.

I was reading about an accident involving a school bus speeding which led to it being over turned.

There is also the issue of bus monitors, from where are these people hired and is any of their background information being checked and verified?

These are all necessary questions that need first to be asked before allowing them to come in contact with children.

We have advanced so far and we need more to be achieved in order to safeguard our children.

If there are any suggestions that you the reader may have in regards to school transportation please write to the editor or email me!

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