

May 13 - 19, 2009

Dear Stan, This is just a note to extend our warmest thanks for the super article in last weeks GulfWeekly regarding Arthouse 2009.

On a minor note, there was a tiny typo at the end of the article: the Bahrain Fort Charity Fund says 'Funs'.

Thank you once again, from all the team.


By email.

Dear Stan,

I am a regular shopper at Bahrain City Centre and I'm really looking forward to the opening of the Wahooo! swimming pool.

However, I had heard that there may be restrictions over the swimming clothing that women will be able to wear. I particularly like to swim in long shorts that cover the legs and would like to clarify whether these will be allowed.

Mother from Saar,

name and address


Editor's note: A spokesman from Wahooo! Waterpark Bahrain said: "We at Wahooo! are delighted with the level of interest and enthusiasm being expressed by our future guests.

"Wahooo! is the Middle East's first indoor waterpark with several exhilarating rides, slides and also some relaxing pools.

"As every waterpark around the world, Wahooo! Too will follow certain swimwear restrictions.

"However, keeping in mind the local culture, the stress will be on ensuring that the attire is clean, decent and safe to be worn on our rides.

"In fact, our retail store Wave Pro has fully covered women's swimsuits called burkinis which are turning to be the fastest selling product so far.

"So to answer your question; yes, long shorts will be allowed as long as they don't have too loose a fit and do not interfere with the safety requirements on the rides/slides.

"Certain attire may not be allowed on some of the 'intense' rides just to ensure your safety is never compromised.

"I hope we have clarified your doubts and hope to see you at Wahooo! when we open.

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