
City slickers are on the way up

September 16 - 22, 2009

Manchester City's home games at Maine Road and now Eastlands have been fondly referred to as the 'Theatre of Comedy' but after Saturday's thumping 4-2 win against Arsenal it is anything but funny.

City are now third in the table with a 100 per cent record and with a game in hand could be joint top any day soon.

If they manage to get any kind of result at Old Trafford on Sunday then even the most pessimistic fan will have to admit they have arrived at the big time at last after the Eriksson false dawn.

Last Saturday's victory though was overshadowed by Adebayor's goal celebration that saw him run the length of the field to fall to his knees in front of the travelling fans and the stamp aimed at Robin van Persie's head which left ugly marks around the Arsenal player's eye.

Adebayor had a difficult time with his team mates and the Arsenal fans towards the end of his career in north London as many felt he had not been pulling his weight.

The £25 million they received for him seemed like a good deal all round as City got a front man who could play on his own and Wenger got money to spend and a potentially disruptive influence out of the dressing room.

However, the problem is that the manager has not spent any money and again relied on his current squad to perform. At their best, with everyone fit, Arsenal are as good as anyone but with injuries, such as the one to key player Arshavin last weekend, and they look a little threadbare, particularly in defence.

I still think they will be in the top four at the end of the season as they are capable of going on long unbeaten runs but if Chelsea continue as they are the title may be beyond them.

As for City, Theatre of Comedy? Not any more ... and the big four may do well to take them seriously.

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