Local News


October 21 - 27, 2009

Imagine a family portrait without mum. Imagine listening to old fairytales without a grandmother to tell them. Imagine a classroom without the loving guidance and care of a female teacher.

Women are an integral part of our society and irreplaceable in families and the community.

Breast cancer threatens the lives of thousands of women each year. A large proportion contract breast cancer at some point in their lives and if not caught in the early stages, it can be life-threatening.

This month the community is fully backing a national breast cancer awareness campaign and people are wearing pink in an effort to increase knowledge about the disease.

The Think Pink campaign has enjoyed a lot of success since its conception, drawing in breast cancer survivors and their families and friends and winning public support.

The little pink ribbons have caused a big stir and have woken people up to the seriousness of the issue ... but not all of us are following through with necessary procedures.

Dear readers, help in the fight against breast cancer. Ask your mothers, sisters, grandmothers, aunts or any other close female friends to identify symptoms early and safeguard themselves.

This month remember to Think Pink, whatever your age!

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