Health Weekly

Fat chance of living longer

October 21 - 27, 2009

JUST a one per cent reduction in weight reduces risk of premature death, according to a leading medic speaking at a conference in the Gulf.

Professor Karim Meeran, Professor of Endocrinology, at the Imperial College London, pictured right, stressed that extra body weight encourages the onset of diabetes, cardiovascular disease, heart attack and thus increases the risk of premature death.

"Weight control and the management of obesity levels are crucial lifestyle environmental factors that can help create healthier nations.

"Indeed, a small drop in weight can lead to a 10 per cent drop in the risk of death," he said at the Primary Health Congress in Abu Dhabi.

Professor Meeran cited thrifty genes as a possible culprit to fat storage, adding that such metabolic behaviour can lead to Type 2 diabetes.

"The thrifty genes hypothesis suggests that genes drive human behaviours that in turn encourage the storage of fats. This behaviour then leads to obesity and then to type 2 diabetes," he added.

Although such behaviour can be genetic, it can potentially be modified by change in the environment.

Professor Meeran suggested that it is time for governments to step in with policies that help to encourage healthy behaviour.

"Behaviour such as laziness, reluctance to exercise and excess eating is driven by genes, which are impossible to identify due to their sheer numbers.

However, environmental changes through self-management, or even by-laws and regulations, can lead to a significant switch from harmful behaviour," he added.

"Internationally, heavy taxation on cigarettes has led to significant reduction in smoking in the past few years. Similarly, environment and policies that encourage people to eat healthier, exercise more and lead active lifestyle are now required to divert a diabetes epidemic."

Professor Meeran and three fellow specialists from Imperial College London have been speaking at the Metabolic Syndrome & Associated Diseases conference, in conjunction with the Primary Healthcare Exhibition & Congress at ADNEC.

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