Your Stars

Your Stars for the week with Russell Grant

October 21 - 27, 2009

Aquarius Jan 28 - Feb 18 Family responsibilities have been overwhelming, making you angry and hurt. Relatives have placed an unfair share of the duties on your shoulders, probably because you're the most stable one of the lot. Still, that doesn't mean you should be treated like a dumping ground for everyone's problems. Be ready to step away from certain tasks, even if temporary disaster follows. Eventually, the work will be redistributing, allowing you more free time.

PISCES FEB 19 - Mar 20

It feels as though you're being held hostage by your emotions. If you want to change your behaviour get to work now. Writing down what you feel will help you to calm down and assess your emotional triggers. It will also reveal any trends that need changing. Your relationship with a youngster or lover will improve as a result. Trust your instincts when it comes to your spiritual needs. Spending more time on your own will help you develop a stronger sense of self.

Aries Mar 21 - Apr 19

You're tired of feeing overlooked and undervalued. Putting your needs first could upset the apple cart at work and home, but that's a price you're happy to pay. Taking a vacation by yourself, buying a beautiful luxury item, and delegating tasks to others are all part of the program. A sympathetic friend will back you to the hilt. Lean on them when everybody else starts complaining about the new you. Paying off a big debt makes your confidence soar.

Taurus Apr 20 - May 20

Recently, you've been investing so much energy in others, you feel empty. It's important to find healthy ways to fill that void. Resist the urge to binge on rich foods and intoxicating drink. It's fine to treat yourself in moderation, but right now, your internal compass could be a little off. A glamorous work assignment that was put on hold could be put into motion again. A best friend, lover, or colleague has valuable advice regarding a financial matter.

Gemini May 21 - June 20

Beware of falling prey to self pity. Contrary to what you might think, you have the power to turn your life around. You've had some tough breaks in the recent past, but this shouldn't deter you from your path. Adding to your qualifications or taking a long trip could be in the cards. Studying a foreign culture or visiting a poor country will make you realise just how fortunate you are. A medical consultation provides relief from a persistent health problem.

Cancer Jun 21 - Jul 22

A support group will help you come to terms with some demons you've been battling. You need to know you are not suffering alone. At first, it will seem as though you don't have anything in common with these people. After listening to their stories you'll realise you share exactly the same struggle. An intimate relationship will improve as a result of you getting help. You may not realise it, but your problem has driven a wedge between you and your partner.

Leo Jul 23 - Aug 22

So many people are looking to you for support, it's getting oppressive. Be honest about the part you've played in all this. By teaching your nearest and dearest to become more self sufficient, the whole group will benefit. Of course, some people will balk at these efforts, but they need to be held more accountable for their lives. Don't be swayed by childish tantrums and tearful pleas. Turn to a sympathetic friend if the pressure gets too great to bear.

Virgo Aug 23 - Sep 22

It's time to get a broader perspective on life. Recently, you've been so focused on minor matters you've forgotten there's a much wider world out there. Getting involved in a charitable effort will make you feel more grateful for all the blessings you have and it will give you a greater sense of control. If you feel your lifestyle has fallen into a meaningless rut you need to make a change. Finding work that supports a favourite cause will give you a big boost.

Libra Sep 23 - Oct 22

A dramatic transformation is taking place, causing unrest in your personal life. It may be necessary to divide assets with a former business or romantic partner. You may be moving into a different home and so there will be some hard bargaining to be done. Fortunately, your negotiation skills are at an all time high. Whatever the situation, you need to treat yourself gently at this time. A regular bout of massage, hot baths, or naps can recharge your batteries.

Scorpio Oct 23 - Nov 21

Giving a lover or colleagues too much control could start causing you problems. It's time to reclaim authority over your own life. Strong words may be necessary to force them to back off. Pay special attention to any joint financial accounts. By taking a more active role in this arrangement, you'll become an equal partner. Fond memories of days gone by could come flooding back after sorting through a photo album. Give an old pal a call.

Sagittarius Nov 22 - Dec 21

You're dissatisfied with the results of a health regimen, and feel ready to give up. Stick with it just a little while longer. If you've reached a plateau, try varying your exercise routine a little bit. Exercising outside will feed your inner spirit in a way that gym workouts never will. Great news from a religious, cultural, or educational institution could reach you. This announcement will put you one step closer to a cherished dream.

Capricorn Dec 22 - Jan 19

Making more time for your favourite activities is essential. For the past few weeks, you've devoted all of your time to a group effort. And while it's been fulfilling, it has drained you of inspiration. Cooking, reading, and decorating can restore a sense of fun to your life. A child may be eager to help. Give him or her small responsibilities they can handle successfully. Donating time or money to a charitable cause will put you in contact will some compassionate people.

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