Ask Betsy

Aromatherapy gives a natural high

January 20 - 26, 2010
Gulf Weekly Aromatherapy gives a natural high

Dear Betsy, Can you please give me some aromatherapy recipes to help me cope with my life? I have tried basic lavender but it isn't great for me.

I am always rushing around after the kids, the dog, husband and various other things. Sometimes I feel like I can't breathe, as there is so much to do and other times I just feel so depressed at the thought of another crazy day.

My GP says I am healthy and it is just stress and I must learn to relax more. Can you help me with aromatherapy Betsy? You are my last hope. Help!

Stressed Mum.

Dear Stressed Mum,

Modern life makes lots of demands on all of us, but for us girls, it seems even more so!

Women are the glue that holds society together, and we are expected to be good strong (uncomplaining) wives, mums, sisters, friends, colleagues and still remain smiling throughout it all.

Coping mechanisms are important and yes, I agree that aromatherapy can really help; it certainly has helped me over the years and still does, as I use it in some form or other every day.

Let me share three of my secret recipes with you and any readers who want to really chill out and switch off.


I created this heady blend of precious oils originally for myself as a special treat. When I wore it as a perfume, friends would ask what it was and if I could make it for them.

This blend can have a VERY interesting effect on men (and for some strange reason dogs too!) so be warned!

Rose absolute 3 drops

Rose phytol 3 drops

Jasmine 6 drops

Clary sage 4 drops

Geranium 10 drops

To use as a perfume, add 50 mls of pure jojoba oil to the above blend.

For a massage or bath oil add 45 mls of sweet almond oil and 5mls of avocado or wheatgerm oil.

For a body lotion add it to a vegetable-based unscented body lotion.

Halve the amount of essential oils and do not use any of the vegetable oils if you want to put them in a burner or diffuser.

For an instant pick-me-up use half the drops of each oil, using one of rose phytol and two of rose absolute, add them to a tissue and inhale deeply several times. Keep it close to you.

Ladies, you can fold the Kleenex with the oils on the inside keeping them out of direct contact with your skin and put it down the front of your bra where your body heat will help them diffuse.

Men can keep it in their thobe or shirt pocket or tucked up a sleeve.


This Arabic colloquialism can mean to go slowly or take it easy and so I designed it to alleviate anxiety and allow you to stop for a moment and catch your breath.

This is literally made possible by the properties of Frankincense, it is a natural sedative which will slow your respiratory and heart rate, forcing you to relax. Great for panic attacks, reducing obsessions and inducing a meditative state.

Frankincense 4 drops

Rose 3 drops

Lemon 3 drops


The Arabic name Awali is said to mean, a high place and I created this blend for myself when my oldest son Tariq was born in Awali Hospital.

Jasmine is excellent for post-natal depression and for balancing the hormones. Combined with grapefruit it will induce feelings of euphoria, resulting in a natural 'high' so you can see why I named it Awali!

I used it to help me get over the baby blues, but you can use it when you are feeling depressed, weepy or emotionally fragile. The rich sweetness of the Jasmine and the freshness and zing of Grapefruit make this a winning combination.

Jasmine 4 drops

Grapefruit 6 drops


The above two blends of pure essential oils can be used as follows:

Bath or massage blend .... add them to 20mls of sweet almond oil.

Perfume ..... add to 20mls of jojoba oil.

Diffuser or Burner ..... do not add vegetable oils use neat.

Instant "Pick Me Up" ..... halve the amount of oils, put on a tissue+ inhale.

CAUTION:_Do not use these blends if you are pregnant or suspect you may be. Do not use these blends on children. Do not apply the neat essential oils to your skin and check with your physician if you suffer from any medical conditions or take any medication.

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