Your Stars


July 21 - 27, 2010

Aries (Mar21/Apr20) You need to give constructive criticism to a business or romantic partner. Too often, you tease people for being too slow to make decisions. By supporting their choices, you'll lay the groundwork for a happier, healthier alliance. Your boss may pressure you into putting in long hours at the office. Be ready to refuse their requests, as you are greatly needed at home. Be sure to attend a youngster's recital or game; that's where you're needed most.

Taurus (Apr21/May21) Honing your work skills will help you climb the ladder of success. The thing you least want to do is probably the one that will afford the greatest advancement. Bite the bullet and sign up for a class. Practice a new technique. Study alongside a demanding teacher. The sacrifices you make now will pay off long into the future. This isn't the best time to get embroiled in a legal dispute. Settle out of court or pay the fine if it's at all possible.

Gemini (May22/Jun21) The thought of settling down doesn't hold much attraction for you; you've always preferred to play the field. This time around you may want to make a commitment or a wonderful lover will slip right through your fingers. If you're in a relationship, it's time to step up your exercise routine. The more fit you are, the greater your sex drive. Prepare to sweep someone special off their feet.

Cancer (Jun22/Jul23) Launching a home improvement project will be a good use of your time. You're able to focus like a laser on your goals, helping you get through massive amounts of work in record time. If you're not sure how to perform certain jobs, head to the library. Check out some DIY books. You may be surprised to learn how simple seemingly complicated jobs really are. Don't let a romantic or business partner push you into a decision you're not ready to make.

Leo (Jul24/Aug23) You'll have to match wits with someone who has a lot more experience than you. Fortunately, your ability to charm the public will win over your audience. In the future you may want to read up on certain subjects. Talking knowledgeably about current events will improve your social and professional status. A health concern causes you to scale back your activities. Stop putting undue strain on your system. Avoid rich food, late nights and strong drink.

Virgo (Aug24/Sep23) Your ability to work hard brings in extra money. If you want to buy something expensive, think about taking a second job temporarily. Although it will feel like you're burning the candle at both ends, you will make a great success of this venture. You'll also have a new computer, car, or PDA to show for your efforts. Resist the urge to get involved with a toxic romance. Hold out for a lover who treats you with the respect you deserve.

Libra (Sep24/Oct23) Be mindful of the way you spend your time. By setting a timeline for your goals, you'll gain a sense of direction that previously eluded you. You can make a name in your desired industry with a little persistence and a lot of hard work. In the past, you were reluctant to elbow your way past the competition. Now, you don't hesitate to push your way to the head of the line. If a dream is really worthwhile, you need to be aggressive about achieving it.

Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22) It's important to keep your ambitions under wraps. Rivals who are eager to steal your thunder are looking for the first chink in your armour. If they know about your plans, they'll try to outperform you. Need a government grant or scholarship? You'll have to fill out lots of paperwork to get this money. Be painstaking about filling out every form. If you're not sure what information is needed, call the agency in question for clarification. Don't leave anything up to chance.

Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21) Working with a big group gives you a sense of purpose and direction. Too often, a free spirit like you is prone to distraction. Having the help of team will keep you focused. It will also help you acquire some valuable skills. Stick close to an experienced old timer. Their techniques will seem antiquated at first, but time will show these methods are best. Don't let money be the sole reason for taking a job. You need to find work that's emotionally satisfying.

Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20) Keep your temper at work, especially when dealing with an annoying authority figure. There's no question that your abilities are superior to theirs. Although taking orders from them is annoying, it's a necessary part of paying your dues. Sooner than you think, your boss will be exposed for the failure he or she really is. At that point, you'll be asked to assume the reins of power. Resist the urge to give into cynicism. Go out with light hearted friends after hours.

Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19) You need to think about the long term future. Although you hate being tied down by relationships, jobs, or institutions, this may be necessary if you're going to achieve certain personal goals. Don't be afraid to enrol in school if that's what is necessary to embark on your dream career. Beware of giving into deep seated fears about a relationship. If this alliance is going to work, you need to take a leap of faith.

Pisces (Feb20/Mar20) Overcoming taboos is no easy matter, but it's vital for your ultimate happiness. Getting counselling for this issue will be painful but therapeutic. Although you may not realise it now, lots of people struggle with the same hang ups. You don't need to talk about this treatment with friends. If you don't feel they will be supportive, there's no reason to tip your hand. Money from a refund or inheritance will be slow in arriving. Make other plans to cover your bills

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