Your Stars


September 8 - 14, 2010

Aries (Mar21/Apr20) Finding new uses for old resources makes you a popular figure. These days, everyone is opposed to waste. If you're looking for a job, you may want to explore opportunities related to helping an underserved segment of the population. Working with old people, children, or stray animals could give you a great deal of satisfaction. You also have the power to raise significant amounts of money for these groups. It's time to put your pioneer spirit to good use.

Taurus (Apr21/May21) Your sex appeal is irresistible to the people around you. You may be invited on a glamorous trip around the world. Although you're nervous about the implications of this offer, it's too good to pass up. Luckily, the two of you seem to be one mind, particularly when it comes to principles. Your partner would never do anything to hurt you. If you are already in a relationship, you may want to plan a second honeymoon with your partner to a beautiful nature retreat.

Gemini (May22/Jun21) Investing in property could create a source of steady income that allows you to enter into a more enjoyable line of work. You're incredibly smart and need a job involving a variety of options. If you want to buy a piece of property, you can negotiate a good deal with a lending institution. Don't be afraid to turn on the charm with officialdom. Strangely, the one person you don't want to use your powers of seduction on are the very people who turn you on.

Cancer (Jun22/Jul23) Artistic inspiration could come from a best friend, business partner, or lover. If you are struck by an idea, be sure and run with it. It is important to strike while the iron is hot. You may have to cancel your plans so you can launch this project this afternoon. Hang a "do not disturb" sign outside of your work area, and keep your mobile switched off. The last thing you need is a well meaning relative or neighbour breaking your concentration.

Leo (Jul24/Aug23) Moneymaking opportunities related to art, music, and entertainment are looking good now. You might find there's a big age difference between you and your colleagues and that will help you learn a lot from this group. They have lots more experience than you, and deserve respect. If you can think of a better way of doing things, keep quiet until you've gained the group's trust. Timing is everything. Money could be tight right now, requiring careful budgeting.

Virgo (Aug24/Sep23) An intense sexual attraction is too strong to ignore. You may be fighting this impulse because you're already in a relationship or you're overwhelmed by your present partner. Romance is rarely convenient. You need to decide what is best for you. Yes, you've had your heart broken in the past. Making yourself vulnerable to another will involve considerable risk. Look deep within to decide whether you are ready to take the plunge again.

Libra (Sep24/Oct23) You need to trust your heart, especially where a family matter is concerned. Recently, you've dredged up a lot of painful memories rooted way back in your childhood. Confronting the source of your pain will be testing but cathartic. Certain relatives will be angry at you for stirring up trouble. That's their problem. You'd rather be honest than stay invested in a diseased family dynamic. If that means breaking away from delusional people, so be it.

Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22) Someone could share some juicy inside information with you. Resist the temptation to spread the news. You could be being tested and by keeping quiet you will have shown just how loyal and trustworthy you are. Friends have a strong influence on your thinking. You may want to avoid somebody who has a bleak outlook on life. They may be very nice, but aren't the best people to ask when you need to think positive. Put off seeing them until next week.

Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21) Being self sufficient is a matter of creating a long term investment strategy. It isn't enough to cover your bills. You've got to put money into savings. Talking to a financial advisor could hell. They can teach you strategies for making your income stretch further. A big promotion or impressive job could be coming your way. If the salary isn't great, negotiate for better job perks, like health insurance, tuition reimbursement package, or childcare allowance.

Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20) You're going through some profound changes, and while the process is scary, it is also empowering. If you've been thinking of going back to school or taking a trip around the world, do it. People will think you are being irresponsible; you've always had such a hard work ethic. Taking time off seems totally against your nature. Maybe that's why you should try a change of pace. Seeing how the other half lives will make you a fascinating, well rounded person.

Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19) Going on faith is your only option when it comes to a love affair. You can't follow your partner every single hour of every single day. Of course, there are some red flags you need to watch for. If your amour says one thing but consistently does another, you have reason to be suspicious. If they hide their computer or phone activity, you may want to do some reconnaissance. Be honest with yourself to evaluate whether your suspicions are well founded or not.

Pisces (Feb20/Mar20) Exciting plans are in the works, and loved ones are happy to help. A female friend who has experience in your desired industry will be especially supportive. Lean on her when you encounter difficulties. It's never easy to risk rejection, but it is necessary if you're going to realise your dreams. Some people will love your work, while others won't understand it. That's actually a good thing. Being overwhelmingly popular would cause you to lose your edge.

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