

December 1 - 7, 2010

THIS refers to the article Healing herbs and spices by Alia Almoayed highlighting JARJIR (the Arabic name for rocket leaves which are common in Bahrain), as one of the best things for our health.

Apparently it can also be used for hair loss and healing wounds. True. The leaves are mainly used for salads because of their spicy 'peppery-mustardy' flavour but, in my opinion, the benefits make it an ideal green health drink too.

I use them daily in my own recipe called 'Desire Green Juice'.

Readers are welcome to try my breakfast juice recipe and see the health benefits. After a few days just see how you feel from the power of the little rocket leaves.

The Desire Green Juice can boost your energy levels day-long. If you do not like the taste, simply add one spoon of honey.

Ingredients (makes three glasses): One bunch of Rocket Leaves (Roquette leaves or Jarjir locally available), one green apple, one cucumber, one banana, one spoon of honey (optional).

Preparation: After thoroughly washing the rocket leaves, peel the skin off an apple and cut it into small pieces together with a cucumber and banana.

Add one and a half glasses of water to the ingredients, mix and serve chilled.

Thomas Varghese,


I ENJOYED reading Charlie Holding's Harry Potter review in the last issue of GulfWeekly and I couldn't agree with him more! Even I haven't seen the previous films or read the books, so this film just didn't make sense.



PLEASE allow me to express my deepest disappointment over most of the film verdicts of your movie reviewer, Charlie Holding.

I am a 51-year-old who enjoys every kind of movie (as long as it is good) and I have been going to the cinemas for as long as I can remember. In a way I consider myself quite knowledgeable about the subject.

I have had a difference of opinion with 'movie experts' every now and then in the past, but I find myself differing with Charlie almost every time I read his column. It makes me think that one of us doesn't seem to know what he is talking about.

For example, last week he gave 2 popcorns for the best Harry Potter movie ever - a film that is smashing box office records. It makes me think that he must surely have a personality complex and simply likes to stick out in the crowd.

Another example, the latest George Clooney movie ... it must be one of the slowest ever and a very predictable one at that. For him to rave and recommend it is unbelievable ... but what he must really be put in jail for is telling people to go and watch Piranha. Perhaps he just enjoys low budget movies and watching women in skimpy swimsuits.

Ghassan, by email

Movie reviewer Charlie responds: Everyone is entitled to their opinion, and I try to be as fair as possible with my critiques. However, I would just like to point out that a bigger budget doesn't necessarily equate to a better movie. The 1997 summer blockbuster, The Blair Witch Project cost just $25,000 dollars to make and went on to achieve phenomenal success, grossing $248 million at the box office!

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