Film Weekly

Lacklustre plot

December 22 - 28, 2010

EVER wondered what would happen if Invasion of the Body Snatchers and Independence Day had an illegitimate sci-fi movie baby? Well, you needn't wonder any longer, because Skyline is exactly that.

A piece of unoriginal drivel from start to finish, this movie is perhaps the worst way I can think of spending 93 minutes.

I love Donald Faison, I think he's funny, believable and has tremendous acting talent ... however, it seems that he has no talent for picking a decent script to work with. Frustratingly, the Scrubs star has stumbled at his first step trying to make the dubious jump from TV to the big screen, and I didn't enjoy watching him fail.

So, what's this disaster of a movie all about? I wish I could tell you, the only thing I can say with certainty is mysterious aliens. At no point during the painstakingly drawn out 93 minutes was the audience made privy to where the aliens came from (apart from outer space) what they wanted (apart from destruction) or even why they wanted it.

I honestly feel that this film was just an excuse to throw some money at a doomed script and to use some mediocre special effects to pad it out.

The film begins with a young couple flying to LA to meet with an old friend called Terry for his birthday (innocent and interesting enough so far). Once they arrive, they spend the night celebrating with their friend (believable so far) until Jarrod's girlfriend reveals she's pregnant and puts a dampener on the evening.

Believe it or not, things actually get worse when Terry's wife finds out he's having an affair with his beautiful assistant. So, sufficient to say, the characters are all pretty happy for the distraction when the aliens turn up.

The next morning they all awake to find a bright light and loud noises coming from outside. One of the left over guests from the party peers outside to get a glimpse of the errie light and once he does, bam! He's transported up into the alien ship, leaving the rest of the group overacting and concerned.

Now, in theory, things should get more interesting when the aliens attack ... right? Wrong! Sadly, the dodgy special effects and the half machine looking creatures are bad enough to make even the tiny, boring cast seem more interesting ... and they need all the help they can get!

The group set about trying to find out what's happening ... only to discover that all around the world, humans are meeting a similar fate and there's not much that can be done about it. They make a break from the building and along the way, the group gets smaller and smaller until just two people remain.

My biggest problem with this film, besides the lackluster performances given by the cast, is its lack of originality and depth. I think this flick would've been a passable attempt at a sci-fi blockbuster had the cast, script, producers and director not all completely sucked.

Those familiar with the popcorn rating will know that a one popcorn means stay at home, I would give this film 0 popcorns if I could, meaning, stay at home, lock the doors, get a gun and protect yourself from the monumental disaster that is Skyline. Beam me up Scotty I've had enough!

Showing in Cineco, Seef II

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