Health Weekly

Set achievable resolutions

January 5 -11, 2011

We all know that New Year resolutions are short-lived. They usually go out the window just a week or two into the New Year. Most people make their New Year resolutions too broad and unrealistic, that's why they fail.

So this year, why don't you set small, achievable resolutions? And, why not make them related to your health.

If you have good health, you'll be able to achieve just about anything you want!

Here are some suggestions to stay healthy in 2011

My 2011 resolution is to start every day with two big glasses of water

My 2011 resolution is to spend 15 minutes on the treadmill every day during my lunch break

My 2011 resolution is to make a strict healthy grocery list and stick to it when shopping

My 2011 resolution is to spend 15 minutes in the sun every day

My 2011 resolution is to spend 10 minutes meditating before bed every night to achieve silence and peace of mind

My 2011 resolution is to floss and take good care of my oral hygiene

My 2011 resolution is to have a green smoothie every morning made of dark green leaves mixed with vegetables and fruits

My 2011 resolution is use only natural products on my skin, such as aloe vera shampoo, olive oil soap, and sesame oil

My 2011 resolution is to start something that I enjoy such as playing a musical instrument or gardening

My 2011 resolution is to get rid of all my mercury amalgam fillings and spend the year toxin-free

My 2011 resolution is to detox my body and give it a chance for a fresh start

My 2011 resolution is to stop all fizzy drinks

My 2011 resolution is to reduce the hormone overload on my body by cutting out dairy products

My 2011 resolution is to add more plant-based options to my diet such as vegetables, salads and beans

My 2011 resolution is to have a daily salad

My 2011 resolution is to snack on fruits and nuts instead of crisps and biscuits

My 2011 resolution is to start recycling

My 2011 resolution is to buy organic food whenever I can

My 2011 resolution is to read one health book a quarter and start implementing the advice I read

My 2011 resolution is to listen to my body and take care of it

Circle the resolutions you like, stick this article on your fridge and you're on your way!

If you are hesitant because of your cravings or because of all the things you think you might miss out on, remember this quote by motivational speaker Tony Robbins: "Nothing tastes as good as fit, healthy and vital feels."

Let 2011 be the year you start 'living'. It will be great. Good luck.

Don't forget to watch out for my upcoming book ... it will be out soon. Make sure you're on my mailing list to stay updated!

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