Local News

Bringing life to the mall

January 5 -11, 2011
Gulf Weekly Bringing life to the mall

Bare walls of Seef Mall's new extension have sprung into life with a burst of colour as students from eight different universities and institutes took to the challenge to brighten up the shopping complex.

Armed with palettes and brushes they relished the challenge of putting their talents to the test in a competition.

The mall's management organised the contest as part of its community involvement and also to make the shopping experience as colourful as possible for visitors.

Robert Addison, general manager of Seef Properties, said Seef Mall was well recognised as a family-orientated shopping attraction and this event expanded the theme. "We wanted to involve creative young adults in bringing life to our corridors while the shops are being fitted out," he explained.

Participating universities included the Kingdom University, Al Ahlia, University, Arab Open University, Bahrain Polytechnic, Kingdom University, New York Institute of Technology, the Royal College of Surgeons, Royal University for Women, Global Institute, New York Institute of Technology and the University College of Bahrain.

The students were allocated an area of the mall's walls, picked at random through a raffle-style draw. They decorated their area under the simple theme of 'fun'.

Competitor Jaber Ahmed Isa, 25, from Zinj, a student at Kingdom University, said: "Our painting depicts hands in different windows which reflect the diversity in our university - it speaks about love, peace and fun.

"Although we are not art students - most of us are pursuing majors in accounts, finance and law - I think we have been able to express ourselves with paint."

Three MBA students from the Global Institute divided their canvas into three with each part depicting a different meaning of fun.

Stella Elizabeth Babu, 22, from Hoora, said: "We are defining it in an imaginative way, in nature and as seen by children."

Five students of Bahrain Polytechnic decided to take organisers and visitors on a thrilling roller coaster ride!

Iman Moosa, 19, a visual design student, from Tubli, said: "The theme was fun and we thought why not take them all on one hell of a ride!"

Six students from the Royal University for Women produced an extensive mural with an assortment of bright colours, patterns, shapes and objects. Doa'a Saif Al Areeqi, 20, said: "We have tried to incorporate fun with colours using pop art as well as a depiction of dreams."

Students from the Kingdom University made their session interactive by inviting shoppers and passers-by to leave a mark on their canvas.

Mohammed Abdullah, 19, from Manama, said: "We are trying to mix the idea of fun from different ages alongside our own representation of ideas, thoughts and views.

"This is a very interesting experience for us as well and maybe someone powerful will see our work and sign us up for a major art contract!"

The work which attracts the most votes throughout January will win. Seef Properties will make a prize donation to the top campus. Cast YOUR vote by emailing news@seefproperties.com

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