Local News

Live this year and try to do something different

January 5 -11, 2011

I ROLLED out of bed disgruntled; waking up for what seemed like the first time after Bahrain's long spell of holidays.

The shrill screech of a well-battered alarm pierced the stiff morning air.

School again ... the thought sits heavily among my groggy thoughts as I slam the snooze button.

I shuffle around listlessly, thinking about how monotonous life seems now after the half-month holiday-fest. Holidays filled with cookies, dressed up trees and late nights.

Isn't it odd that we decide to religiously sit up through the night to celebrate the first day of January every year? What about the other months? Why couldn't we have a celebration for the start of every month? In fact, why couldn't we just wake up every morning and celebrate each day?

As I shiver in the cold that numbs you over at 6am, this cheesy thought seems nauseatingly cheerful.

I wait outside - scanning the vicinity for the same old rickety bus. 7:05am. Clockwork.

I seem to be caught in the monotonous rut that most people find themselves in nowadays. Everyone seems to mind their own business; everyone goes about their daily lives, caught up in the gigantic rat race that drives the world.

Well, it's a new year. And with every new year, comes the age old tradition of resolution making.

So this year, I finally decided to make a resolution. This year I promise to live.

Yes, I did say live.

I don't want my life memoirs to read School. Work. Sleep. I probably won't have memoirs if that's all my life sums up to. I don't want to keep worrying about what has happened or what will happen. I want to do things worth remembering. Like I said, I want to live.

So this year, try doing something different, as will I. When you look back over the year, trust me, you want to be able to say something as cool as 'I sky-dived this year' or 'this year, I started my own web show'.

I don't know where I'll be in the next six months and I can't predict the future. But I do know that I can take my future wherever I want to. So, I'm going to seize life by the neck and squeeze every ounce out of it.

I'm going to live this year ... so what are you doing?

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