Eating Out

Plateful of DŽjˆ vu fusion

January 5 -11, 2011

I thought I may have been here before ... but I was wrong. DŽjˆ vu is a new kid in town and aiming to add a splash of colour to the island's dining and partying scene.

Situated close to the Gulf Hotel in Adliya, the venue could be better named Jekyll and Hyde when the decor is taken into consideration.

It features sophisticated royal shades of purple in the downstairs dining area and psychedelic lighting displays in the upstairs lounge to deliver a totally different vibe. There is also a room for a group of eight to dine privately.

The restaurant offers Italian and Greek fusion cuisine with a dash of East Asian flavours.

The man in charge of the kitchen is head Chef Kiko Stepanjyn.

Canadian Kiko, 31, began his culinary venture at an early age by securing a part-time post as a kitchen helper in 1995 at the age of 14.

He said: "While working in the restaurant, I began picking up a variety of skills quickly.

"I was sometimes allowed to play around with ingredients, found it challenging to create something new and would often get compliments from my seniors."

In 1999, he took up a three-year hotel and restaurant management course before taking up an opportunity to work in New Zealand.

He said: "Cooking food is not just a job for me. I can't say I am passionate about it as it is an over-used word. While growing up, we used to always have friends, family or neighbours over for dinner and my mother and grandmother would cook.

"It was nice seeing all the happy faces after a good meal and that is what I believe in.

"Food is not just something to eat but it can make people experience happiness and joy."

Over his 17 years of culinary tenure, he has travelled extensively and worked with leading hospitality ventures.

In 2006, Chef Kiko, who now lives in Sanabis, moved to Dubai where he joined the Meat Company and opened the brand's outlet in Bahrain in 2007 where he worked until late 2008 before venturing into private catering and joining the DŽjˆ vu team.

The restaurant opened on December 19 and one of the benefits of its location is plentiful parking.

The lounge also features resident DJ Freeze, who has played for Fashion TV Parties in India.

Here Chef Kiko shares one of his signature dishes for GulfWeekly readers.

Paidakia Thedrolivano



Diced fresh mango 60gms

Fresh peaches, pitted and chopped 60gms

Cloves garlic, minced 1/2

Chopped fresh ginger root 2gms

Coriander 5gms

Pinch of chili pepper

Fresh lime juice 10ml

Diced tomato 30gms

Olive oil 10ml

Salt to taste


In a small bowl, mix all the ingredients except olive oil. Let them sit in a fridge for an hour or as long as needed. When ready, pour the oil and mix once more.



Australian sweet potato 500gms

Unsalted butter 50gms

Honey 10gms

Nutmeg powder 1gm

Cinnamon powder 1gm


Boil potatoes till they are soft, drain them, peel the skin and mash them. Add all the ingredients and mix it well, adjust the taste of sweetness to your liking.



Lamb chops 20

Brown onion sliced 50gms

Kiwi, cleaned and

mashed 1

Fresh yogurt 25ml

Salt and pepper


In a small bowl, mix all ingredients and rub them all over the lamb chops on both sides. Keep it over night in fridge or at least for four hours. Grill or pan fry to liking and enjoy.

More on Eating Out