Film Weekly

The most romantic movies of all time

February 9 - 15, 2011

WHILE sending cards, flowers, chocolates or going out for an expensive meal is customary on Valentine's Day, it is also a time when couples sit down to a romantic film and let their imaginations wander.

Since love is one of the most universal themes, there have been countless movies that revolve around the subject ... so good, some bad. Many people have opinions on the greatest love story ever told, but what about the greatest romantic film ever made?

It seems the jury is out on the subject because according to the top five most romantic films are: The Notebook, Titanic, Ghost, Pretty Woman and A Walk to Remember.

However, the better known IMDB rates: Casablanca, Rear Window, Forrest Gump, City of Lights and North by Northwest as their top five ... not sharing a single entry!

Other contenders from movie critics include Gone With The Wind, City of Angles, Scent of a Woman and While You Were Sleeping .

One thing for sure is that while people may disagree on their top romantic movies, we all we love a film that makes us feel all warm and fuzzy.

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