KUWAIT Finance House – Bahrain (KFH-Bahrain) and Virgin Megastore have teamed up to offer Baytik Ijara cardholders more choice and value for money.
The joint venture will bring a host of additional benefits for both Virgin Megastore customers and Baytik Ijara cardholders.
A Baytik Ijara card branded kiosk is located within the Virgin Megastore in Bahrain City Centre to help shoppers find out more about the card’s features and benefits.
The card enables customers to purchase durable goods, such as household appliances and electrical items and make monthly repayments over an agreed period of time at the fixed low profit rate - 0.7 per cent.
The card is also valid as part of the ‘Double Your Chances of Winning’ Bahrain City Centre summer promotion.
Shoppers can apply for a Baytik Ijara card directly at the bank’s booth, which is located on the mall’s ground level.