
Shopping tip

May 28 - April 3, 2012
Gulf Weekly Shopping tip

GAME developer Rovio, which shot  to pop culture stardom with the mobile game Angry Birds, has launched a space-age sequel developed with the help of NASA.

ìWe’ve been working with NASA for quite a while already and they’re very keen in co-operating with us. We got this astronaut Don Pettit in space to co-operate around the launch ... They’ve been helping us with all the physics-related questions around space and gravity,î senior account manager Tiina Mikkonen of the Finnish company said at the launch in a shopping mall.

The original Angry Birds game involved using slingshots to launch little birds at fortresses built by green pigs – an absurdist, addictive game that quickly became the most successful mobile game in history, and which spawned an entire franchise of merchandise.

The new game is based on the same premise, but places the battlefield in space, with the trajectory of the launched birds altered by the gravity of nearby planets.

Since its release in December 2009, Angry Birds has been downloaded 700 million times, and it is expected to exceed one billion downloads.


CHECK out the special offers at Jawad Supermarket tomorrow, Friday and Saturday which include tomatoes - 1kg 150fils, white cabbage - 1kg 90fils, carrots -1kg 245fils and potatoes - 1kg 145fils.

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