Golf News

The importance of footwork

September 26 - October 2, 2012
Gulf Weekly The importance of footwork

In my experience, footwork is one of the most overlooked aspects of the golf swing. Incorrect footwork is very common and can cause a loss of power and inconsistent contact, writes Matt Chalmers.

If you were asked to throw a ball as far as possible, instinctively you would load weight on to your back foot and drive through onto your front foot to make power.

More or less the same thing is required in the golf swing. However, it is common to see club golfers leaning onto their back foot at impact in an effort to help the ball into the air. Not only does this significantly reduce power, it makes it very difficult to contact the ball correctly.

Let’s discuss a simple drill that can help you improve your footwork.

When you are next practicing, take a short iron and make a few practice swings. When you get to the top of your backswing, make sure that you can feel your weight loaded nicely onto your back foot.

Now, your job is to imagine that you have a box of eggs underneath your front foot and you want to crush them at impact!

Making an effort to maximise the pressure underneath your front foot at impact will benefit your golf in two ways.

Firstly, it will help you transfer your energy more efficiently resulting in more power. In addition, getting your weight onto the front foot puts your body in a position where you can efficiently deliver a descending blow into the ball, resulting in better contact.

It might seem like a strange visualisation, but it is one that works! Additionally, it is a fairly aggressive move that helps you commit 100 per cent to each swing.
Have a go and see what happens!

* For more information on golf coaching services offered at Awali Golf Club, contact Matt Chalmers on 39761873 or visit the club’s new website


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