Health Weekly

What’s in your fat?

March 20 - 26, 2013

Have you ever gone on a diet and felt miserable? Do you ever wonder why our brains sometimes go crazy when we’re dieting and losing weight?

The answer lies in finding out what was stored in your fat. Basically, your fat cells do not just contain fat, they also contain stored emotions and even toxins.

For example, when you go through a traumatic experience, your body often stores the emotions in fat stores to keep them safe and tucked away from important organs. Sometimes, going through an extreme diet of quick weight loss releases the emotions and makes you miserable.

What’s even more interesting is that when you are exposed to toxins, your body tries to save you by taking the toxins away from important organs and storing them in fat stores. So as you shed the fat, you also release plenty of toxins into the bloodstream.

That’s why weight loss should be slow and gradual, and most importantly you must make sure that your digestion is in top shape as you lose weight so that you’re excreting the toxins as you release them from fat stores.

Do not go on a detox or weight loss programme if you’re constipated. Drink plenty of water, and have a lot of alkalising vegetables and salads. These will all make your journey easier and more effective.
The best method to lose weight and release toxins safely is by going on a detox programme. But there are so many of these online today that it’s very difficult to choose a safe one. Remember that if you go on a detox programme it must be supervised by a qualified practitioner.

If you’re not sure where to look, you can come with me on a once-in-a-lifetime detox retreat at the end of April. Detox safely, lose weight, learn, and relax … all in the beautiful Turkish coast. I’m only taking a small group and have just a few seats left. 

To register, visit

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