Health Weekly

Get direct sun exposure to top up on vitamin D

April 24 - 30, 2013

How often do you sit in the sun? And how often do you have enough of your skin exposed while you’re sitting in the sun?

What I’ve always found fascinating is the number of people who have vitamin D deficiency in the Middle East. You get vitamin D from the sun. But, in spite of having the most sunny days in the world, we are still lacking in this crucial vitamin!

Some people argue that because our sun is too hot we can’t sit outside. Or, because the culture is conservative and therefore our clothing doesn’t allow for a lot of skin to be exposed to the sun.

Whatever the reason, the fact remains that we lack a vitamin that could easily be the most important vitamin in existence.

A deficiency in vitamin D can be the cause for many diseases, including asthma, heart disease, and even cancer. It can also cause fatigue, headaches and depression.

Vitamin D also plays a big role in immunity so we tend to get sick more often if it’s missing.

Breastfeeding infants tend to have a vitamin D deficiency because mother’s milk often can’t keep up. Growing children also need extra vitamin D.

And adults often have a vitamin D deficiency that goes unnoticed until it causes a more severe health problem.

Starting today, make sure you get at least 20 minutes of direct sun exposure every day. You will need to expose some skin to get the benefits as vitamin D is created on the skin when the sun hits it.

Keep in mind that the darker your skin, the longer you need in the sun. And, of course, avoid midday sun and opt more for early morning or afternoon sun to avoid burning.

During the winter months, consider taking vitamin D supplements in the form of drops that you put under your tongue. If you’re not sure, you could take a blood test to check your levels.

But whatever you do, do not ignore this article without making sure your vitamin D are in top shape.

For more information on Alia Almoayed, visit

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