Sports News

Playing the game in memory of top teacher

April 24 - 30, 2013

THE first Bluett Cup competition was held at the British School of Bahrain (BSB).

Five teams participated in the inaugural charity football seven-a-side tournament organised by 11A of the BSB.

The aim was to raise money for the Milford Hospice in Limerick, Ireland, where popular former teacher, the late Jim Bluett, pictured right, spent his final days. 

Five teams competed in a league with the top four teams continuing through to a knock-out semi-final contest. The Sixth Form team emerged as champions.

“Regardless of who won or lost, the tournament was a valuable community event in which the students, parents and teachers of the BSB came together to honour the memory of Jim Bluett,” a spokesman for the organisers said. “On behalf of all who knew and were taught by Mr Bluett, a large thank you goes out to those who donated their money, time and effort towards making this tournament a success.”

More than BD650 was raised for the hospice.

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