Cover Story

Lucky Nevin wins a Prado

July 31 - August 6, 2013
Gulf Weekly Lucky Nevin wins a Prado

Little Nevin George insisted on filling out his mum’s shopping coupon for a grand raffle draw … and his lucky ticket was the first to be drawn out for a gleaming 2013 Toyota Prado in Mega Mart’s ‘Shop & Win’ Ramadan promotion.

His lucky ticket was first to be drawn out in Mega Mart’s ‘Shop & Win’ Ramadan promotion.

Mum Mary, 36, a Ministry of Health employee, and dad Saji, 39, an electrical shop manager, were so dumbfounded by the news at first they thought it was a hoax.

Mary said: “My husband got the call in the evening while I was on duty and he just couldn’t believe it. Even our friends told us it couldn’t be true.

“But the next day I made my trip to Babasons, as I normally do every day, and as I was doing my shopping I spotted Nevin’s name on the wall. I was shocked.

“That’s when I realised it was really true and I was so excited. When we collected the car we couldn’t stop smiling although when the key was handed over to Nevin he looked at me and said: ‘My car? But I wanted a black one!”

Not to worry, the Indian family-of-five, from Salmaniya, decided to keep hold of their 2005 Toyota Echo runaround they picked up at a snip for BD2,750 and cashed in on the Land Cruiser for a five-figure sum.

A second car draw has recently taken place and fellow shoppers have another chance of winning a dream car as a 2013 Toyota Prado is once again the main prize in a draw scheduled to take place on August 18.

With every purchase of BD5, shoppers will receive a raffle coupon to enter the draw featuring 25 other prizes too. For details, email

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