Health Weekly

Healthy dessert

December 4 - 10, 2013

Since this is the month where people have the most desserts, I thought I’d share a few healthy dessert recipes to make your holidays just as enjoyable … but without the guilt.

Date Snow Balls Recipe
Ingredients (makes 40-45 small balls):
2 ½ cups pitted soft dates
½ tsp. cinnamon
5 cloves cardamom (to be removed later) or ¼ tsp. cardamom powder
Small knob of butter
¼ cup chopped walnuts
¼ cup organic crispy rice cereal or corn flakes
4-5 tbsp of desiccated coconut

Remove all the pits from the dates. Heat some butter in a deep pot and add the dates until softened. Then add the cinnamon powder and cardamom and keep on low heat while mixing.

Remove from the heat and let cool. Remove the cardamom cloves. Then add the chopped walnuts and cereal and mix well. 

Roll the date mixture into small balls (roughly the size of a large marble). Then roll each ball into the coconut.  Serve at room temperature.

Note: you can add or reduce the amount of walnuts and cereal according to your desired ‘crunch’.
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