Health Weekly

Weight training is essential for physical fitness and appearance

February 5 - 11, 2014

Today the fitness industry is a bit of a shambles. There’s a lot of money to be made from people who want to get their ideal body, particularly from women who are constantly exposed to celebrities and other people who look in amazing shape.

In this second instalment, let’s look at a couple more myths that surround women’s training that are often simply given as fact.

Cardio is the best training method for fat loss: How many women do you see in the cardio section of a gym? How many of these women are in great shape? Now turn your attention to the free-weights section of the gym and ask the same questions. I’ll put good money on the fact that there’s a better ratio of women with great physiques in the weights area.

Don’t get me wrong, cardio has a place and certainly can make some difference buy it is nothing compared to proper lifting.

Evidence has shown that women get the best physique enhancement (and health) results from a programme with weight training.

This goes back to what I said earlier about burning calories doing nothing, because that’s not exactly what happens – what actually happens is your muscles slightly break down during a strength training session and the body is then burning calories for the next few days to recover and rebuild from that.

Men and women should train differently: A lean, healthy body is constructed only one way.
When it comes to training it should be done with two specific goals in mind – to get stronger and to burn a tonne of calories.

This is the same for men and for women. I believe that the reason that I don’t see many women training in the weight room is the same reason that I don’t see many men join me for a yoga session – even after I renamed it ‘Bro-ga’. What is that reason? I’m not too sure, but it’s there and it’s wrong. Female hormones will keep women looking feminine just as male hormones will keep men looking manly.

This point may lead you to ask the question: “Then TJ, if men and women should train the same then why create Wonder Women for women only?”

This is a fair question, and the answer is relatively simple. Atmosphere. With my groups of males, there will be much shouting and horseplay, this is great for them but is somewhat intimidating for you guys, therefore I think Wonder Women will create a great training atmosphere that will see fantastic results!

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